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Gordon Brown

A Man who saved the world.

Person A: Did you see him? He saved the world!
Person B: He's just like Gordon Brown.

by Godron March 1, 2017

Gordon Brown

Unelected Prime Minister of the UK who became PM by some kind of divine appointment and proceded to hand over any power left in the country to a load of unelected sharks in the EU. When he was chancellor, Brown squandered money like it was going out of style. He wasted billions on illegal invasions, stupid pet projects like the Dome, employing a legion of civil servants and quangos, and sold Britain's gold reserves when the value of gold was at an all-time low. He ended up taxing everyone to death and raiding pensions. Basically he has always wanted the job of PM, isn't bothered in the slightest if he has no idea of what he's supposed to do. Now the likes of Milliband are sharpening their knives, waiting to steal his crown, but to be honest he has nothing to worry about. His party is just a collection of gutless no-hopers who between them couldn't run a bath.

If I was a parent or teacher and I saw Gordon Brown coming towards the school playground grinning that grin of his I think I'd call the police.

by Stormsworder August 27, 2008

264๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordon Brown

A one eyed Scottish idiot.

"In England we've got this one eyed Scottish idiot........." - Jeremy on Gordon Brown

by John Murff February 11, 2009

257๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordon Brown

Living proof that the scots are tight!

Borrow Now, Tax Later!

by Guy Jones April 29, 2004

544๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordon Brown

A Bacterial Infection of the Nervous system. This disease can be transmitted through coughing, sneezing or taxing and affects mostly supporters of the British labour party. People suffering from this infection will look and feel very lethargic; in later stages the person may begin to lose money in large amounts. To reduce chance of infection, avoid contact with infected people and vote for somebody else.

1: I feel really tired.
2: S**t, maybe you have Gordon Brown!
1: What should I do?
2: you should rest for a while and then things will only get better.

by mvuroi849urevvdfdvfffvdfvv October 3, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordon Brown

A cunt who hates everyone and everything especially working class people, jobs, successful economies and democracy. Also,a typical inhabitant of scotland.

Gordon Brown is a Cunt

by laharl420 April 29, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordon's brown

Any faeces or flatulance resulting in a foul, putrid smell giving one a mental image of the UK's prime minister.

a: Oh my god! I just did a Gordon's Brown, can you smell it!
b: Yeah that thing practically knocked me out!

by Alex Taylor April 5, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž