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Grafton SuperSpreaders

Grafton, a small town in Wisconsin, has a school system that refuses to shut down, and switch to virtual school. Despite HUNDREDS OF CONFIRMED CASES OF COVID-19, among staff, students, teachers, and families.

Although cedarburg, mequon, theinsville, and almost every other school district in the area has shut down... Us Graftonites would like to solidify our reputation as the laughing stock of Ozaukee County. Because "MAH RIGHTS!"

This disgraceful behaviour has led to the change of all grafton mascots. We are now known as the "Grafton SuperSpreaders."

Those damn Grafton SuperSpreaders are going to get us all sick!

by Exuled ikswobeL November 21, 2020

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Grafton, Massachusetts

Grafton Massachusetts was founded by Elias Coopersmith, Earl of Lockenshire, a wealthy land baron of the early colonial era. Coopersmith was born in England, however, migrated to the America's after receiving a large land grant from King James I. He brought his wife, Rachel Coopersmith, formerly Rachel Sutherland duchess of Clackmannanshire, Scotland. The duchess was a notoriously stubborn woman and was said to have caused the Earl a great deal of distress in his early years. Even friends of Lord Coopersmith, such as the pious Cotton Mather, were quite distrustful of the young bride. Mather described her as "slack jawed Irish teague." Mrs. Coopersmith was often confused for a crass irish peasant as she did not delight in the common pleasantries of a gentile existence.
Grafton was eventually named after Lord Coopersmith's mistress, Margot Hery Grafton III. Margot was the daughter of a local cooper who shared a bed with the Earl during his travels to Boston and Salem. Rachel Sutherland was said to have moved to Virginia to live with her brother Christopher James McHale IV, a wealthy plantation owner who had made an early fortune on his export of indigo and tobacco.
This history although long and often confusing tells very interesting tale of the foundation of Grafton Massachusetts. Walking through the streets of this small country town you would never know its name was founded by the efforts of a lonely coopers daughter in the bedroom of a small Inn in East Boston

The phrase "as backwards as Grafton, Massachusetts" came from this tale

by Christopher Whalen October 30, 2007

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Grafton, Massachusetts

Grafton Massachusetts was founded by Elias Coopersmith, Earl of Lockenshire, a wealthy land baron of the early colonial era. Coopersmith was born in England, however, migrated to the America's after receiving a large land grant from King James I. He brought his wife, Rachel Coopersmith, formerly Rachel Sutherland duchess of Clackmannanshire, Scotland. The duchess was a notoriously stubborn woman and was said to have caused the Earl a great deal of distress in his early years. Even friends of Lord Coopersmith, such as the pious Cotton Mather, were quite distrustful of the young bride. Mather described her as "slack jawed Irish teague." Mrs. Coopersmith was often confused for a crass irish peasant as she did not delight in the common pleasantries of a gentile existence.
Grafton was eventually named after Lord Coopersmith's mistress, Margot Hery Grafton III. Margot was the daughter of a local cooper who shared a bed with the Earl during his travels to Boston and Salem. Rachel Sutherland was said to have moved to Virginia to live with her brother Christopher James McHale IV, a wealthy plantation owner who had made an early fortune on his export of indigo and tobacco.
This history, although long and often convoluted tells very interesting tale of the foundation of Grafton Massachusetts. Walking through the streets of this small country town you would never know its name was founded by the efforts of a lonely coopers daughter in the bedroom of a small Inn in East Boston

The phrase "as backwards as Grafton, Massachusetts" came from this history.

by Christopher Whalen January 24, 2008

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Grafton High School

A school in Worcester County, Massachusetts that's way too small for the number of students there, this year's freshman class is over 2x bigger than last year's graduating class. The hallways are more congested than Rosie O'Donnell's arteries.
GHS is full of druggies (not the cool kind, the ones who are douches), the KOG (kings of grafton, fake-ass gangstas), and sportos. There's a shitload of meaningless drama that dumb grundles start for no reason and it's incredibly stupid. It's kinda funny watching everyone get into fights over it though. Almost everyone at GHS is a stuck-up asshole who thinks they're better than everyone else, but there are a few cool down-to-earth kids there.

These are some of the people you'll see if you ever visit Grafton High School:

Dumb orange chick who I think about when I jack off sometimes: did u read wht she wrote bout me on facebook? i cnt believ she said tht!!!! tll emily to tll hr she isnt nvited 2 my sweet 16 nemore!
Druggie: I was the one who stole your iPod. I made like a hundred bucks off of it. I bought some goooood shit with that money.
American Eagle Club kid: My parents are buying me a Jeep Wrangler for my birthday! I can't wait 'till I get it so I can put a ton of Dave Matthews Band and Fountains of Wayne stickers on the bumper! What an excellent way to communicate my bland taste in music to everyone!

by forever78unbound May 13, 2007

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Grafton High School

A high school where thirsty ass girls and douche-bag guys associate with each other while harassing everyone that isn't "cool" enough to meet their standards. Druggies run the school along with their Barbie's for girlfriends. If you even look at the KOG (King of Grafton) seniors they think you want their dick when that's actually not the case. The whole Freshman class is an asshole, Sophomores are fake as fuck, Juniors think they are the shit, and Seniors believe they run the school and can talk shit about people they don't even know.

Almost every girl has got it up the ass by some fag that left them afterwards. They all think they are "Boss Ass Bitches" and most of them are extremely thirsty. Dying their hair, getting extensions, fake tans, fake nails, fake boyfriends, nice cars, and anything else they want is a part of their luxury lifestyle.

All they guys are huge dicks and can't count to 5. They most likely can't even spell their own name. They like to get high and show off their fit bodies. The senior guys are always flashing their lifted trucks around or nice mustangs that mommy and daddy bough them for getting an A+ in art.

All the drug addicts brag about their money and "Good Shit" when no one want to hear it or really cares.

Only the ghetto girls think their shit don't stink and strut their stuff down the halls of GHS. Twerking on any guy they can, and thinking all the guys want them is a main part of their life.

"Welcome to Grafton High School, the Scummiest Hell Whole You Can Find."

by Nobodytoassociatewith January 2, 2014

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Grafton High School

A school in Worcester County, Massachusetts that's way too small for the number of students there, this year's freshman class is about 2x the size of last year's graduating class. The hallways are more congested than Rosie O'Donnell's arteries.
GHS is full of druggies (not the cool kind, the ones who are douches), the KOG (kings of grafton, fake-ass gangstas), and sportos. Almost everyone at GHS is a stuck-up asshole who thinks they're better than everyone else, but there are a few cool down-to-earth kids there.

These are some of the people you'll see if you ever visit Grafton High School:

Dumb orange chick who I think about when I jack off sometimes: did u read wht she wrote bout me on facebook? i cnt believ she said tht!!!! tll emily to tll hr she isnt nvited 2 my sweet 16 nemore!
Druggie: I was the one who stole your iPod. I made like a hundred bucks off of it. I bought some goooood shit with that money.
American Eagle Club kid: My parents are buying me a Jeep Wrangler for my birthday! I can't wait 'till I get it so I can put a ton of Dave Matthews Band and Jane's Addiction stickers on the bumper! What an excellent way to communicate my bland taste in music to everyone!

by M A a P June 6, 2007

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grafton west virginia

a small town in west virginia and there are alot of drama there and alot of hoes and alot of meth heads there and its a true fact

grafton west virginia is a boring place to be

by truestshit December 19, 2016

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