Source Code

guantanamo pretzel

When you handcuff someone's left arm to their right leg and their right arm to their left leg and smash them from behind

Jordan put Owen in a Guantanamo Pretzel last night

by Service Boy28 May 19, 2014

Guantanamo Bay

A place in Cuba where the US hold mainly Muslim and Arabic prisoners in violation of international law.
The main camp there is known as Camp X-Ray for reasons known only to the sadists who operate the place but the clear implication being that highly unusual practices are involved.
Often Abrreviated to Gitmo it is to the US what the concentration camps were to the Nazis and the Gulags to the Soviet Communists.
Concentration camps and Gulags were often in locations outside the motherland/fatherland as is the case with Guantanamo Bay which is in an occupied part of Cuba nominally leased from the Cuban government who refuse to accept the US presence there but are too weak to do anything about it.

They picked him up in Africa for allegedly
being in al-Qaeda and shipped him off to Guantanamo bay in a transport plane whilst standing up and wearing a hood.

by sam1967 February 16, 2005

173πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Guantanamo Bay

The most unconstitutional thing that our Government has created, as well as a violation of our 6th Amendment rights to a free trial. Guantanamo bay is just another word for a secret prison that our Government uses to lock up anyone that they find suspicious. In the Constitution, we are promised the right to a free trial. Ironically, when it comes to suspicious people, our Government is a little too scared to abide by the Constitution.

Random Person 1: Hey, buddy! What do you think will happen if I write a few unpatriotic things on this blog!

Random Person 2: I dunno, why don't you try it?

Six Months Later.....

Government: You are under arrest for speaking out against authority.

Random Person 1: What?! I just used my free speech! What about my trial? I have the right to a free trial!

Government: Forget your trial! That takes too much time! We'll just send you to Guantanamo Bay.

by The Revolutionary Satirist July 3, 2013

37πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Guantanamo Gay

Filipino male nurse who has a fondness for well-muscled Hispanic inmates.

T is so Guantanamo Gay but the whole world knows that.

by Gobi Roti December 20, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Guantanamo Bay

A place where suspected terrorists are held. It in no way is anything close to a Gulag or Concentration Camp. Until recently, these so-called educated liberal anti-american scumbags couldn't tell you what a gulag was. In the Russian Gulags, prisoners were locked up and forced to do hard labor for 16+ hours per day, starved (many to death), cramped in shacks and forced to take a shit in a bucket. In Nazi concentration camps, jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other innocent people were forced to do hard labor, starved, gassed, shot and burned to death. Prisoners in Gitmo are given the Koran (in its traditional manner as outlined by a military guideline, you anti-american liberal scumbags!), good food, signs everwhere that point to the direction east (muslims pray to the east). Gitmo is a gulag? what has this country come to?

Gitmo is Cuba's hottest vacation spot as voted by "Terrorist People"

by AZWildcats10 June 28, 2005

145πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

Guantanamo Shot

A shot of ice cold vodka taken through the nose.

+Holy shit! Why is that huge guy in a heap on the kitchen floor, and why's there so much blood coming out of his nose?
-He did three Guantanamo Shots and then one with warm rum.
+What the fuck, is he retarded or something?
-If he wasn't before, he sure as hell is now.

by primapp December 31, 2011

Guantanamo Bay

1. v. {Origin uncertain, but likely from the Spanish aguantar, to bear, endure, put up with + the colloquial no mo', no more} to be unable to bear; to find unacceptable, to refuse to endure for even one second longer.

2. n. {Origin uncertain, but in common use in Arabic-, Pashto-, and Urdu-speaking regions} a. a purgatory. An intermediate floor of hell. b. the mythical final place of confinement of the W and his court, immediately following the Great Upheaval but prior to the Grand Awakening and the Glorious Final Making Amends and Mellowing the Fuck Out Forever After of that nation.

3. n. a vast butterfly-and-wildflower preserve on the Caribbean island of Cuba.

alternate contraction: gitmo

Dick Cheney spent the last years of his life in an outdoor cell in the blazing sun of Guantanamo Bay being forced to listen to "Midnight at the Oasis" nonstop at high decibels. Like most chicken hawks, he didn't last long.

by mandingoe August 9, 2004

28πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž