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Islam is a good girl she is the sweetest person in the word the hottest🥵every guy want to be around as they see is islam Look there is the sweetest girl she has everyone back

1,Guy look there is islam
2,she have my back


by XS71881 March 7, 2020

116👍 33👎


A very peaceful religion that believes in equal right for everyone ,no matter their caste , color ,creed ,faith ,sect or gender.
Unfortunately ,Islam's reputation got ruined because of devils who pretend to be muslims.These devils did everything unislamic, such as suicide bombing, killing innpcents and oppressing woman.They did this because the western civilization was paying them to prevent the muslim civilization from rising again.

Most people think that the islamic (muslim) civilisation did not contribute to the modern world, but thats not true , as many things like proper surgical tools,mathematics that is now used in computer programming and architecture etc.

Most people think that Islam believes in terrorism ,intolerence and violence,but that ia not true.

by SyedMustafaAPakistani February 4, 2017

273👍 95👎


Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God (Allah)and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world's second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion in the world,with over 1.8 billion followers or 24.1% of the global population,known as Muslims.9 Muslims make up a majority of the population in 50 countries. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful, unique and has guided mankind through prophets, revealed scriptures and natural signs. The primary scriptures of Islam are the Quran, viewed by Muslims as the verbatim word of God, and the teachings and normative example (called the sunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570–8 June 632 CE).

Muslims believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed many times before through prophets including Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. As for the Quran, Muslims consider it to be the unaltered and final revelation of God.Like other Abrahamic religions, Islam also teaches a final judgment with the righteous rewarded paradise and unrighteous punished in hell.Religious concepts and practices include the Five Pillars of Islam, which are obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law (sharia), which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, from banking and welfare to women and the environment.The cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem are home to the three holiest sites in Islam.

Islam is the right religion..

by Islam is about peace June 18, 2018

332👍 123👎


A religion. One of the 3 dominating in the world next to christianity and the judaism. Commonly mistaken with the extremist group "Nation of islam" whose primary goal is to "rule" the world and create "order". Islam (arabic: peace) is a religion whose believers are not allowed to kill or steal. Killing is only allowed as self defense if there is no other way in case of a war. Most definitions about Islam on urbandictionary.com are confusing Islam with the mentioned "Nation of islam" now known as ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria). Muslims believe in one God (Allah) and the last prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam. Peace be upon him). In the holy Qur'an Jesus and Abraham (Is'a, Ibraheem) are also prophets who muslims believe in. In the holy Qur'an, Adam (the first man) was a prophet sent to earth from heaven (Jannah*) as a form of test to see if the human race could redeem itself until judgment day (Ahir'a).

Jannah* - The common female name Janet originated from muslim African women who were brought to America as slaves in the 18th century. As stated before, in arabic Jannah means heaven.

"You seen Benedict Cumberbatch around the club?" "No, he converted to Islam and stopped living like that." "Damn bro."

by DonCheadle June 11, 2018

85👍 31👎


A monotheism religion. Holy Book is the Qur'an. Prophet is Muhammad (pbub) is the main prophet. Fast for thirty days. We respect other people's religion yes some have lost the way but other not. You can't judge what you don't know. Judge Isis you know them, or the people that did 9/11, just don't judge the innocent one who don't deserve it. And really are you guys one to judge at all? Is anyone really? You're ancestors raped and murdered and torture and broke apart families and took away land that wasn't theirs and now your gonna judge most people who didn't even do anything. You share blood with the people that ruined Africans and American Indians lives, and we only share religion. We are not the same just as some of you have changed from your ancestors. Just think for a second, you are racist you might say your not but you are. The first thing that come to your mind when someone says terrorist is Muslims. But your 100% wrong. Yes some Muslims are terrorists for reasons that we good Muslims do not understand. They don't follow the rules as the qur'an puts. Next time think about that.

I am Muslim, since my religion is Islam

by Ihatewhitepplandtheirbullshit May 21, 2016

388👍 146👎


A religion based on manners and one that is often connected with terrorism. However, Islam is a religion, and terrorists are extremists in the religion and believe Islam is something it is not. Islam is not a religion of violence, which people often mistake it for. Muslims believe there is one and only 1 God, and Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him is his Messenger.

Islam is based on manners.

by _Ryoma_ November 11, 2014

362👍 123👎


the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.
The word Islam means voluntary “Submission” or “Surrender” to the Will of God. It derives from the root word “salam,” meaning peace.

In the Quran, God defines that the only purpose for which He created mankind is to Worship Him. Islam recognizes that humankind has free choice in whether to obey or disobey God, but ultimately we will be held accountable to God in the next life for the choices that we make in this life.
Islam is a natural way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that it is through the doing of good deeds and seeking the pleasure of God that souls find true happiness and peace. It is in this context that the word Islam derives from the root word “salam,” or peace
God sent Prophets to teach mankind how to worship Him; starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last of the messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The Islamic position is that all of these prophets came with the same message, that there is no deity worthy of worship except the One True God, known in Arabic as Allah.

A : Hey did you hear that Islam is the world's second-largest religion and world's fastest growing religion.

B: Indeed. There is no god but Allah and Muhammad was his messenger.
A: I don't understand why people say we fuck goats even when our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) prohibited sex with animals in many narrations:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Cursed is he who goes in unto (has sex with in other words in Arabic) an animal. 1
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Allah cursed who goes unto (has sex) with an animal. 2
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him.3
After reading these it becomes clear that having sex with animals is indeed prohibited within Islam. The same viewpoint is also held in the Bible:
If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal. 12
If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. 13
1 Narrated by Abdallah Ibn Abbas in Musnad Ahmad 3/266 & Authenticated by Sheikh Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami' 5891, Authentic.
2 Narrated by Abdallah Ibn Abbas and authenticated by Sheikh Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Targheeb 2421, Authentic.
3 Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas in Sunan Abi Dawud 4464, Hasan Sahih According to Al-Albani.
12 Leviticus 20:15 New International Version.
13 Leviticus 20:16 New International Version.

by Spongebob_de_great May 25, 2018

183👍 69👎