It is said when something or someone is being touched abruptly or handled harshly.
Cop: "You're under arrest!"*handcuffs suspect and pushes him into the back seat*
Suspect: "Hey man, easy on the merchandise."
*Person 1 hugs Person 2 suddently*
Person 2: "Haha, easy on the merchandise."
Person 1: *sarcastically* "Shut up."
*Tourist picks up glass sculpture with little care*
Shopkeeper: "Hey! Easy on the merchandise, kid."
Tourist: "Sorry, no hablo chino."
august 1st means the song 'august' which means someone has to buy you at least 2 items of taylor swift merchandise
'What day is it?'
'August 1st.'
'Oh, it's taylor merchandise day, you have to buy me taylor merch now!"
To sell products and merchandise in a single place with other merchants.
To share a place to sell products and merchandise with other merchants.
A term used for persons who share a space to sell products or merchandise (like co-working).
Short form = Co-Merching or Co-Merch
I will co-merchandise my products at the new shop Make 'Ur Merch.
I will co-merch my products in the new shop on the corner.
Antinette is co-merching her products at the new co-merchandising shop.