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Mundane Monotony

The 9 to 5 drag. The somebody else's business that you can't control. Robot like. Repetitiveness. Basic bitch. 401k shit. Not a creative stitch in you is what they prefer.

I will try to make a change in my schedule to make my job more enjoyable by avoiding the mundane monotony.

by misstara007 October 12, 2021

mundane viscosity

When a man chronically masturbates and the thickness of his semen diminishes over time

He whacked off so frequently, that he has reached maximum mundane viscosity

by Mattallica February 28, 2017

2👍 2👎

Mundane Mitch

Male version of a basic bitch.

That mundane Mitch needs to stop bragging about his gluten free diet and CrossFit. He is basic as shit.

by FeelingYachty December 26, 2017


Plain, dull.

The girl thought other people's lives were mundane or that they were unhappy because she was worse than beige, she was a whitewashed soul, as plain as they come.

by The Original Agahnim July 1, 2021


Something that isn't special to look at.

To most people, it was mundane and went unnoticed, but people could at least count on it to be mundane and unnoticed.

by The Original Agahnim September 24, 2021

Mundane hobby brag

When someone high in status brags about having a surprisingly mundane, lowly, stigmatized, crass, or boring hobby. Hobby examples include gardening, cooking, video games, arts and crafts, or some other activity typically associated with common people.

There goes that famous movie star again Mundane Hobby Bragging about his weekend spent gardening

by Human Peacocking May 19, 2023

Mundane Man

Heheheheheheheh... That's great.

Hym "Ha! Get it!? Mundane Man? Because it sounds phonetically like MY name? Ha! Hahaha! That's great! I love this guy! And (aside from my staggering brilliance) I'm both mundane and a man."

by Hym Iam October 31, 2023