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A perverted little thing, with triangular ears. Gender unknown. Married to Rihanna, and loves chocolate. Has 400 kids. He eats toes, and hates mars. Favorite ride: blender. Never does what he's told: Naughty thing. Best friend of Pooh Bear, but secretly wants to kill him and is plotting to take over the hundred acre woods!

Hello, my name is Pervy piglet, with chocolate on him.

youtube: mollyxoxomaddie44444

by Cat and Cookies and Bunnies! July 9, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The offspring of a pigger, a polish person who vainly attempts to emulate black culture.

Damn, look at all those piglets stepping out of that ricer!

by Billy Bob Bolivar April 20, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small boy or girl between the ages of 4-12 that has an excess of fatty material around the facial and abdomen areas

Person A: Yeah my sister eats a lot of cake
Person B: You know your sister is a piglet

by Dr Mark May 4, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of mistaking female sexual organs for a toilet. Once the urine begins to be noticed by the female, to complete the act the male must pull out and blame the female for peeing on him. This act can be done in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships

Male:Oh my god did you just pee on me?
Female: What
(Male leaves)
Male:(talking to buddy) Got here on the piglet.
Male 2: Well Played

by 1290938477745 July 11, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A monke poggers instrumental rock band band. They have 3 eps named "Lava Land", "Songs", and "Early Songs"

Person1-have you heard of a band called piglet?
Person1-Yah nobody has.

by Legohexman June 11, 2021


ur mom

ur mom is piglet

by hiiiiiii omg hiiiiii omg hiiii May 27, 2021


also known as a rent-a-cop.

a person with authority like a security guard or by-law officer.....someone with authority, but not that much authority.

the damn piglets come every time i have a party.

the piglet at that club kicked me out for being a drunken idiot.

fuck you piglet scum!

by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž