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Pop up

When yo nigga or side bitch be cheatin' you "ambush" or "pop up" on the cheatin' mutha' fukas' with yo crew or posse.

Hey girl, man man is out tonight with his side bitch and I wanna do a pop up.

by Penus Maximus May 31, 2020

Pop up

A phrase mostly used by teenage girls (but often by wannabe playboys) on social media platforms like Snapchat, when they want specific people to talk to them without them initiating the conversation. Usually to gain the attention of a crush or any hot piece of ass without making it obvious. Ironically it is so common and overused that to anyone with half a brain its as obvious as the night is dark.

*snapchat caption*
"Booored.. someone pop up?"

by ApexAdmin April 6, 2018

pop up

The act of ones penis popping up in order to have sex while camping.

I'm glad I brought the POP up ....said alicia.
Wait a minute...you did not bring the POP up I did lol....said johnny

by The Johnny"mark" December 18, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop up

Karl's definition of pop up for experiment 2 of DESN285.

1.Annoying windows which seem to spontaneously appear while on the internet. Used by web companys to make money to pay for their website and to generally piss the common internet user off.

2.Pop up is also a much simpler way to explain abiogenesis (spontaneous generation), which is when a living thing or an object suddenly appears. Is the reverse of spontaneous combustion.

1."I hate using the internet these days, there are so many pop ups everywhere"

2."Shit!! look over there, that guy just popped up out of no where"

by karlDESN285 September 10, 2006

32๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop up

'Pop up' means talk / dm on snapchat or instagram

pop up all night

by heythatscoolhomie November 28, 2019

popped up

Looking nice or fly.

"I'm popped up, lookin great" 50/50 twin in popped up twice

by Chiefunit November 28, 2007

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Pop Up

A girl who fools you to feed your rubbish lifestyle. She uses you as her free time toy to distress. She makes you feel she is so into you to help your sick ego. Oh what a pop up she is.

One person : Oh she is soo into you!

Another smart person: You are just her toy, she is way above your catch.

You: oh what a pop up she is.

smart-pop up, like to confuse pop up, help the sick like you pop up

by Pop up expert November 21, 2012

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