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It's slang for a needle/syringe used for shooting things up veins and into thighs and the like.

Man, having all this heroin around wont do me shit unless i score on a rig.

by Shabaho Jones February 4, 2004

783πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž


To have the venom of a cantankerous old man directed at you. The transgression can be very slight as his paranoia and pugnacious temperament leads to poor decision making. Most often, his petulant behavior will take the form of blocking on social media. It’s the online equivalent of being told to β€œget off my lawn!”

I can’t believe I just got Rigged; I’ve never even talked to that guy before.

by Dottie Hale October 17, 2018

35πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A sound system. Especially one putting on or participating in underground free parties. (UK.)

"Where's the fucking rig man?? He said he's be here by 10."

"Yeah man, my mate Dave, 'e's got this major rig, must be a hundred an' fifty K."

by bryn July 22, 2003

33πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Originally used by Oregon, U.S.A residents as a substitute for "truck". Now refers to any motor vehicle.

Goofus: Cherry rig, dude.
Rufus: Yep - Dad bought the Gremlin new in '74. Now she's all mine!

by spadra October 22, 2008

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A rig is a very loose word that refers to many things. The most common definitions are items you can accessorize, as β€œto rig” means to customize, or change.

Some different categories of rigs are, guitar rigs, and computer rigs.

Awesome, man. Your bass solo is going to sound a whole lot better with the bass whammy in your rig.

by Mandskull April 2, 2007

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Well known good looking bloke ! Normally found to have huge arms and legs, he will dominate when needed. He's also know to be bigger and stronger than Joe who thinks he is massive.... he's commonly found to have the name stuart...

Guy 1 " jesus, look at that man... he is built like brick"

Guy 2 " holy fuck, he's an absolute rig... must be stuart

by The rig judgement panel June 6, 2019

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When you obviously have the advantage but ultimately get fucked over by unreasonable circumstances.

I had a badass and very realistic costume for that Halloween contest""Did you win?""No....I lost to some asshole that only wore a bedsheet,that was so fucking rigged!

by RYU16707 October 31, 2010

106πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž