One of the smallest, yet fastest growing and one of the wealthiest counties in the state of Texas. Home to wealthiest Chads and Fuckbois in the state, with plenty of Stacys to go around between the two. A lake almost as big as the line to our Chick-Fil-A, and shitty ass mega church combined. The infrastructure is about as stable as a paraplegic diabetic, and the traffic is more congested than your stepdad after his third pack of Marlboro reds. The politics of Rockwall tend to be a dead split between autistic shit-fit throwing bernie bros and adult diaper wearing cuckservatives, which somehow manifests within the Parasitic Twins that are Rockwall Heath High School (shit), and Rockwall High School (shittier).
Rockwall - Codex Petram 2nd Edition
According to the researchers that created Rockwall - Codex Petram 1st Edition,
Savior of Mankind, Alex Jones, grew up in Rockwall in the 80's and 90's.
There is no good way to start with the shit encrusted melting pot that is the social groups that make up the two shithole Schools but, I will try because I love you. The thespian cucks have brought about intensive hazing policies due to performing gay sex magik on freshman. The band kids, as expected, are virgin nu male soyboys whose combined micro-penises probably extends out to a few centimeters at best. There are no jocks, just Chads operating behind a thin veil of masculinity, when in reality, they are the insecure, ashamed, cock-lusting products of their alcoholic white collar father's drunken rage. The Orchestra kids are so gay and boring that i could not be fucked to go into a description of whatever bow twiddling twinkie shit they do. The computer mongoloids (Cyberpatriots, composed of the least patriotic faggots possible, are the products of these sick bastards) are acne ridden faggots who spill their shit constantly behind LED screens, aka doing shit no one fucking cares about. They also the only group, besides Orchestra, who leave high school virgins.
Rockwall - Codex Petram 2nd Edition Part Two
According the researchers behind Rockwall - Codex Petram 2nd Edition Part One,
The man the FBI used as a cover, Lee Harvey Oswald, his wife originated from Rockwall.
Now, we move on to the wacky antics that the adults of Rockwall cannot seem to stop fucking doing.
The “Adults” of Rockwall are monstrous autists with thundering voices and a beer belly that could crack the skye. The ratio of the retarded to non retarded is close to 150:1. If that isn’t a red flag, I don’t know what the fuck is. Being a wealthy suburban community, most of the adults you’ll find here are old fucks with houses and shit lives. As a result, you can’t do fucking anything with some washed up ass Chad yelling at your ass for violating his property. They say that it’s the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong, except here it’s the destiny of every choch 40 something with a stick up his ass to go and ruin your day by being an insufferable twat. Not only are all adults here fucktards, they also cannot pilot any sort of vehicle that requires full cognitive function. Every time you blink in this town, some dicksponge has crashed on the highway, thus cause the entire interstate to eat shit for like 5 years, only for it to happen all over again. Perhaps the most ironic part of it all is that somehow, Rockwall’s drivers are so poor at driving that they’ve managed to make all Asians look like Baby Driver behind the wheel.
Rockwall - Codex Petram 3rd Edition Part Two
According to the minds behind Rockwall - Codex Petram 3rd Edition Part One,
There is a trailer park!
Now, you may find yourself not asking this: Does Rockwall have a punk scene? Nope. There is no scene of any sort here. Anything new or innovative is to be stifled by some dickhead normie with a shit eating grin. The closest thing to a scene here probably the influx of faggot teenagers vaping, because they’re either too retarded or too poor to get weed without getting caught by their parents.
Rockwall - Codex Petram 4th Edition
According to researchers behind Rockwall - Codex Petram 3rd Edition Part Two,
The ratio of section 8 housing to upper class housing is 4 to 14.
8👍 1👎
Trashy ass whores. Really nobody's but think they're somebody. Getting into their pants is 1 2 3.
Rockwalls Finest are the white trash of Rockwall
n. Any ludicrously difficult hike or other task, that you have accomplished with ease. Often dropped into conversations as a thinly veiled form of bragging.
Bike New York to Montreal in two days? It’s no rockwall. So yeah. I could get ‘er done.