Source Code


This word can be found in a Jewish Medical Dictionary . This is the stuff that comes out when a Dermatologist lances a cyst on your body.

" Hey Doc what happened when you lanced that cyst on my back? " ..... Doc-"Lots of Schmutz came out "

by SJL123 July 9, 2021


Ersatz wort für Scheiße

wir schreiben nächste Woche 4 Arbeiten. Was ist das denn für ein Schmutz!

by Patatta June 15, 2020


It is just a German word for DIRT. Easy as that... look on translator

Du hast Schmutz auf dem T-Shirt

by AssaultReaper233 October 1, 2018


Assorted dust and food particles that collect inside of usb ports and headphone jacks, causing them to fail.

These college kids have all kinds of food wrappers and everything else in their bags. That gets on their usb drives and eventually the e-schmutz buildup causes usb jacks on the library computers to fail.

by Bob the computer guy August 27, 2015