A person who rejects the notion that all people are created equal, and supports the notion that all people must BECOME equal. The socialist proposes to enforce this equal outcome on society by giving all kids the same grades in school, and by taking money from people who have earned it and handing it to people who don't like to work.
In short, a democrat.
Hillary Clinton is a socialist who wants to raise your taxes and get as much money as possible from you, and give that money to illegal immigrants so they can live as well as you. Actually, the true outcome is, you live as badly as they do.
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Someone who thinks people are too stupid to make up their minds. To the Socialist, only the elite and "intellictuals" have the ability to decide what kind of health care you get, food you eat, children you have, etc.
The irony of the Socialist is that most have never produced anything useful in their lives, yet they feel the need to tell people who do produce thing what they may or may not do with them.
To the Socialist, the world is a zero sum game.
The art professor at my community college is a Socialist who advocates national health care.
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An individual or group that often denies that socialism is the intermediate step to communism. They go to great lengths to paint their Marxist agenda in terms on humanitarianism. By proposing "free" health-care for all, they deliberately deny the fact that one must pay a provider of medical services (usually through confiscatory taxes) or by conscripting doctors into being servants of the state. Further they deny that social monetary redistribution programs are take from the rich and give to the "needy" are programs based on Marxist dogma. In practice they rely on "progressive" tax structures to take larger and larger percentages from harder working and more motivated earners.
Communal social groups are the few working examples of a socialist micro society that works, but only because it is made up of like minded individuals. Cults are another example of collectivism.
Please look up the definitions from Websters cor further clarification.
Hillary and Barack's health care proposals are both socialist.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are based entirely on a Marxist model. Food stamps, welfare, aid for dependent children are extensions of these models. All take money from one class of individuals and spend it on another class of individuals while siphoning off the lions share to par for government employees.
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A socialist, in democratic, capitalistic, western countries, is a person who was, more often than not, raised in a white, middle class family and adopts a socialistic political world view to vent the guilt felt by such an upbringing. This cathartic measure is a form of psychological flagellation and an attempt to identify with poorer people and countries. The socialist realizes that the hand they were dealt was not contingent on there being "special" but lucky.
The socialist then projects their insecurity's on the great
"father figure" of the USA. In doing so they concentrate there hatred of America by villainizing and inventing "facts" and "events" while ignoring real problems outside of there scope of focus, revealing there motives to be far from objective.
The socialist will spend endless time, money and effort
protesting tedious trivialities about the USA, such as trade laws or political meetings, and conveniently ignore tragedies occurring as they protest, such as massacres in Africa promoted by Muslims and Despots, or vicious sectarian rivalries across the Middle East.
The socialist ignores these nasty facts about the world because they were not, in some way, connected to the USA.
The lack of any real connection to their βpet issuesβ and the USA does not always stop their wonderfully specious logic from drawing a connection. This also extends their putting a spin on historical events, or a complete revision of history itself. A good example of the above is the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, now, it appears, that this was an act of terrorism and imperialism, rather than an ugly act of a very ugly war.
Socialists middle class, self loathing.
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The "nice word" for "communism." While socialists claim to believe in nationalized health care and education, they don't usually realize that nationalized programs for these things, unfortunately, usually suck ass.
I'd rather pay $100,000 for cancer treatment than die while waiting 7 months to see a FREE specialist!
The post office takes a week to return my calls. My State university takes 2 weeks to return my calls. I have to wait 2 hours for counter service at the Department of Transportation.
I can only imagine how long I would have to wait for government health care that socialists think is a great idea.
Will the clinics be closed on Columbus Day too?
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one who thinks the end justifies the mean, the end being lazy welfare cases taking all the money from hardworking people, the mean being electing obama as president
that obama is a fucking socialist!!!
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someone who believes the rich should have to pay for the poor, the government should own all businessess, any given company should have to kiss the ass of all its customers. They also tend to forget that every socialist nation has failed in every imaginable way, and the people live in misery all the time.
We aren't socialist, we just think that noone deserves to be rich, no matter how hard they work at it, and lazy people should have the same amount of money as everyone else.
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