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Spicy Meatball Boy

A term of a man who doesn't know how they feel about a girl

I'm a spicy meatball boy to Aaliyah

by Adopted766 October 3, 2020

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Spicy White Boy

Most people who are a spicy white boy wonโ€™t admit it. They are White boys with a little bit of S P I C E. A little bit of sass if you will. They usually have a great sense of style and on rare occasions will talk in the third person. Spicy White Boys use
the word โ€œslayโ€ from time to time. Fun fact: they are also speed walkers.

Wow he has such a good sense of style and heโ€™s a fast walker! He must be a Spicy White Boy!

by JupitersStar May 28, 2022

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Spicy bref ahhh boi

when someone has dirty nasty breath or when they eat something spicy

ex 1.yo fam your breath is hot get cho spicy bref ahhh outta here boi

ex 2 yo dawg you just ate those doritos chips withcho spicy bref ahhh boi

by Stevie magoose November 19, 2018

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det spicy boi

the thiccest man alive. a superior memester with the power of fucking jesus

hey det spicy boi, why tf you be thicc af?

by memester6969 November 16, 2017

Spicy white boy

Typically people named Jordan are a spicy white boy. They are also mostly in denial. Spicy white boy originate from little gays with a sense of style. They tend to have a very dark sense of humor and Iโ€™m some rare casesโ€ฆTalk in third person. They are nothing but a white person but better.

Wow Jordan is such a spicy white boy

by LittleLemonBoy May 28, 2022

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