A butt that is so big and fine that you could metaphorically "eat off of it" like a table.
Man- wow, look at the tabletop booty she got.
Woman- you know I got that fine tabletop booty girl
A tabletop booty refers to someone (preferably a girl) with a butt so big that you could "eat off of it" like a table.
Ex: Male: Oooh, she so fine! Look at that tabletop booty! I love it !
Ex: I got that nice tabletop booty. Just look at it! You can eat right off of it!
The act of eating a girls vagina out, then snorting a line of coke along her belly and between her titties.
Did you hear? John Stewart pulled off a German Tabletop!
A tabletop exercise is a simulation of an emergency situation, such as a military invasion or a bioterrorist outbreak. It involves key personnel discussing simulated scenarios in an informal setting. TTXs can be used to assess plans, policies, and procedures.
In 1989, tropical disease specialists at a conference in Honolulu participated in a tabletop exercise of an ‘‘airborne Ebola’’ outbreak among African civil-war refugees.
Doggy style sex by bending on over the table, clutching the tits.
The mess looks like some one had Hmhardcore tabletop doggy over here.
A perpetrator of Ultimate Sad Acts.
An Ultimate Sad Act or USA (yes, I note the satiric possibilities of this happy acronymic accident) qualifies as an insignificant sycophantic deed committed in the hope of endearing oneself to another person
"Kerry is being a true tabletop: she's thinking of buying a new kettle despite the fact that this one works perfectly well merely because Joe doesn't like the colour"
3👍 18👎
A place where idiots abode and drink ale while reminiscing the good old days of the 1980s and talking about make-believe games and childish stuff.
Boy! Don't stay in that Tabletop Tap room! You are a man now!