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A kickass country/continent in the south pacific. Population of about twenty million. Has been lived on for many thousands of years. First by aboriginal people until the British arrived in the late 1700's and used the land for convict settlement BUT is now one of the most satisfied countries on earth and many many people come from all over the world to see its well known monuments, culture and people.

DUDE lets go to Australia this summer!

by Miep August 22, 2006

345๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mostly great and beautiful land of generally intelligent people who are not racist. As has already been stated, Australians have a friendly rivalry going with New Zealand. However, despite the sheep jokes the "fish and chips" bit there is a fondness for New Zealand behind it all. Despite Australia's image being "tarnished" recently, Australia will be able to hold her head high when little Johnny retires. The problem is, however, there is no alternative government to vote for.

Despite sentiments to the contrary, Australian society as a whole is not that racist. Hell, there are so many cultures living in Australia aren't there, you are bound to have a few tensions from time to time. I think it is important that people realise only a minority of Australians are racist thugs. The rest, are great people.

Australia is not perfect but then, where is?

by Paul Ward July 23, 2006

378๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž


the greatest country in the world. kick ass in sport, hot guys and girls, great shopping, life is laid back and basically quite peacefull. kinda like america without all the driveby shootings, cheerleaders, abercrombie and dunkin donuts. home to the hottest people in the world as we r the most multicultural nation with every race on the planet. so basically alot of people r mixed up and therefore very exotic looking. also thanks to the sun, everyones skin goes 1 to 2 shades darker and their hair goes 1 to 2 shades lighter.

no we do not catch kangaroos to work and school, koalas and wallabys r not in our backyards either. just like u dont see bald eagles on ure front porch. home to hot mixed people, and kickass sports! australia rox!

by aussie and proud of it! April 17, 2006

430๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Land of Deadly Creatures:
The one continent on the planet where at least 97.9 percent of the wildlife won't hesitate to kill your ass. These animals in question include:

The most aggressive and venomous species of spider (the Funnel Web)
A snake with venom so strong, one drop can kill 250,000 mice (the Taipan)
A goofy looking bird that can rip your stomach open with karate kicks (the Cassowary)
A funny looking mammal with a toxic spur on it's back leg (the Platypus)
Steve Irwin's bread and butter (the Saltwater Crocodile)
Baby eating wild dogs (the Dingo)
Australia's national animal that will either strangle you or gut you with a well placed kick (the Kangaroo)
And the single most venomous animal on the planet (the Box Jellyfish)

Needless to say, you're risking your life when you travel here

Guy 1: Did you hear about Tom, he went to Australia and got killed by a crocodile!
Guy 2: I thought he was bitten by a funnel web
Guy 3: Well, I could've sworn he was stung by a box jellyfish

by Metallicajunkie October 16, 2018


A beautiful land that doesn't masquerade as a Commonwealth country it is one. There are pockets of racism, xenophobia and whatnot, but there a lot of positives and these should be celebrated. I know someone from there who thought it was crap and then he spent a year in Europe well actually the main purpose of his trip was to be an airport bum checking out the airports over there, and let's just say he didn't think so after that.

Australia rocks. It's airports rock too.

by Paul Ward October 24, 2006

108๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


best mother fucking country in the world. any mofos who think any different can burn in hell for all i care. best at most sports ( not including them american "sports" like baseball and poofball (oh wait gridiron)) we'll kick ur ass at cricket, AFL (best form of football on this earth) swimming (not a real sport) etc. we'll out drink you any day. our laid back attitude kicks ass. our military is one of the best trained in the world. dont judge us by our dickhead Politicians cause well all politicians are dickheads. any wayz Australia kicks ass FULLSTOP.

best country in the world

by 35acu 4 life August 26, 2005

2569๐Ÿ‘ 1370๐Ÿ‘Ž


Australia: FIRE


by thtat_creators February 29, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž