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fishermans haircut

apparenlty its when you get a hair cut and a blow job from two differnt people at the same time

Its what ive heard said about a hair dresser near my place located in the seedier end of town "you can get a fishermans haircut at that barber shop"

by James the James August 17, 2006

110👍 22👎

Fisherman's Kiss

A slang term for when a female bares her genitals and squats down over another person's forhead to plant a "kiss" using her vaginal lips. The action is usually accomplished when the other person is sleeping or passed out and is commonly paired with a third person taking a picture as proof of the situation for use in teasing or blackmail after the fact.

The term was coined by three friends, Joe, John, and Ed on November 20th, 2006 while on vacation in the surfing town of Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica the morning after a night of drinking way too much Imperial beer and Cubra Libre. The inspiration for creating the term came when a young woman named Andrea from Brittish Columbia, while at the bar the night before, asked them what they would call the female version of "tea bagging." The three friends never got to give Andrea their answer but hope that one day she will stumble accross this page and realize that she was the impetus for the creation of a great sexual slang term that will live on for years to come.

Last Saturday at Brandi's slumber party, when Melissa got drunk and passed out on the floor, Brandi gave her a fisherman's kiss!

by Joe DiFalco February 11, 2007

72👍 13👎

turd fisherman

A man with a long penis. The unfortunate event of having a dick so long, that it goes for a swim when you're taking a crap

Being a circus sword swallower by profession, Elise wasn't after just any old bloke, she wanted a genuine turd fisherman.

by Jamie321 September 18, 2007

34👍 5👎

Angry Fisherman

The art of taking your dick out of a girls mouth and smacking her in the face at full force.

That ho sucked at blowing me, so i just gave her an angry fisherman!

by Cardildo September 1, 2004

171👍 39👎

A spicy fisherman

Noun, millennial, derogatory, insult

‘The spicy fishermen’ were a nordic-texan folk choir that rose to prominence in the early 1960’s and are largely credited with the grassroots lagom-arizona oil balladry movement. The farm ballad ‘Vikt clodhopper’ is featured on social media platform ‘TikTok’ and has resulted in the term ‘spicy fisherman’ seeing widespread use in millenial pop culture.

The term was previously used by nordic-texan folk critics in the 1960’s and 70’s to denigrate emotionally sensitive, obese or large statured, vegan males who do not contribute in a farm environment. Millenial use is more widespread but is generally a derogatory term for large statured males, those with questionable but highly advertised food intolerances, or those with enhanced emotional reactions to the outdoors.

Boy 1 (large statured): “Gripes it’s granny slappin’ good to get all gussied up and head big smoke for the honky tonk, i feel high cotton!”

Boy 2: “Yapp down ya spicy fisherman,

‘dem britches are hankerin’ for a beatin”

by sqwiggle June 16, 2020

wailing fisherman

A wailing fisherman is when a guy literally gets sick and hurls while going down on a girl, usually from drinking too much, but occasionally the vagina itself can be faulted. (Not to be confused with the "whaling fisherman," which is a guy who only likes going down on really huge chicks.)

After he finished those last three shots, Johnny went home and pulled a wailing fisherman on his girl. She left him passed out in his own pile, and he spent the whole next day smelling like stale vag and vom.

by cx99 December 29, 2010

Fisherman's Friend

Fisherman's Friend were originally developed by a young pharmacist named James Lofthouse in 1865 to relieve various respiratory problems suffered by fishermen working in the extreme conditions of the Icelandic deep-sea fishing grounds. Originally developed as an extremely strong liquid remedy containing menthol and eucalyptus oil, Lofthouse made this liquid into small lozenges which were easier to transport and to administer. According to the manufacturer, the fishermen soon began to refer to the lozenges as their "friends", hence the name. The lozenges exist in their current form relatively unchanged since their creation. The lozenges still come in their famous paper packets, although these are now foil-lined and sometimes packaged inside a cardboard carton.

I'm gonna get me a pack of Fisherman's Friend.

by ST1300 Rider February 2, 2009

81👍 18👎