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School threat

When someone does any violent or aggressive in any manner

Josh Rhys and Corey shooting 3s
Rhys air balls and gets josh in a choke hold
Corey: woah Rhys you school threat

by Goman the threat May 28, 2021

Threat Girl

A female which upon first sight makes you so helplessly infatuated that you would break your dating fast for her, thus "threatening" your personal growth.

Can't tell if you are actually the duke; I perceive you as a Threat Girl.

by ASJ22 March 22, 2022

Triple Threat

Beautiful Face, Body and Personality.

"Wow, Julie is a triple threat, that's why all of the guys fall for her."

by LSU Tigers November 4, 2011

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Bum threat

A homosexual, ie. a threat to your bum.

"Ah, did you hear about Gordon? Turns out he's a bum threat!"

by flappy09 December 13, 2009

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Triple Threat

Someone who can act, sing and dance

what you on about, scarlett 's a triple threat, she'll get the role

by SparkleShitt May 27, 2018

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call in threat

Not calling someone and threatening them but the worry you feel over getting called in to work whenever the phones rings on your day off.

While this usually only applies to part time workers, it can also apply to full time workers when called in to work overtime.

Sometimes it gets so bad that:

* You're afraid to pick up the phone and/or will screen all calls (and will be very thankfull for caller ID)

* You'll be unable to sleep in at all because you cannot relax because they might call.

* You'll be afraid to make plans of any kind because you might get called in. (ie, it's your birthday or a relatives birthday and you have the day off and want to take them out for supper, but are afraid to plan beyond 'if I don't get called in maybe we could' because you cannot count on actually having the day off)

* You cannot relax even in hobbies that used to give you great joy because the worry you're going to get called in.

Depending on the nature of the hours you work, after a certain time durring the day you can probably relax as a call in is unlikley after that point. However, if they can also call in you in to work a night shift, it can continue all day :(.

Sorry man, I just can't relax because of the call in threat.

by A very happy person July 16, 2005

wallet threat

is the reluctant act of pulling ones wallet out as a sign of willingness to pay for a meal you assumed was a treat.

"Mike, put that thing away, dinner is on me tonight."

"But it's so expensive."

"Dude, seriously, chill out with the wallet threat.

by relaxfrancis October 15, 2009

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