A derogatory name for supporters of Donald Trump invented by people who went into debt for thousands of dollars for what turned out to be a fake college degree. They are angry at Trump and his followers for not bailing them out of their debt and providing them with a job.
It's not entirely their fault. In years gone by colleges were into actually educating people. In this era they are only interested in generating revenue for themselves. They are like used car salespeople. Tell any lie to get your maney.
The supposedly avant-garde educated elite loathe Trumpanzees.
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(Male Trumpanzee as most women don't follow him because he calls women pigs) A cousin fucking redneck that spends his days chugging booze and jerking off to his family photo album. His natural habitat is the cheapest nearby trailer park although most the time he is driving all over the fucking country in his pickup truck to get to the next trump rally so he can get in the sweaty hick pile where they all suck trumps dick like the little pathetic bitch they are. Once he returns to the RV he will scream at his wife to make him a TV dinner so he can watch trumps newest speech the next day he will rinse and repeat
"I found Billy humping a trump body pillow like your average trumpanzee"
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