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new england voicemail

When you set your phone to vibrate, shove it into your ass, and have your partner call you repeatedly.

Last night, she gave me a new england voicemail, so I had to void the warranty today.

by Hebrew91hammer December 13, 2016


An application and/or transmission left on a voicemail that causes problems with that smartphone. A targeted application via voicemail.

An unknown caller leaves a voice message and you retrieve it from your smartphone. There is no real message to understand, you think it was probably a wrong number. You instinctively delete it. However, did the message just install a VoiceMail Bomb? This could be a program, virus, or something else on the device.

by RICARDO SIMPSON II January 19, 2008

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Engaged to be voicemailed

The act of being in conversation as if being married to one's phone when given a ring

Although she have him a ring, he was engaged to be voicemailed.

by Hercolena Oliver April 17, 2010

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call your voicemail

Phrase used when someone who lives in an area with crappy ass phone service (like Criket Wireless) needs to call their voicemail and stay on the line for about 10-12 seconds for them to receive any text messages that they have not yet received.

guy 1: "Hey man did you get my message?"
guy 2: "No i havent got anything."
guy 1: "wait dont you have criket?, man call your voicemail!"

by Carlos3609 January 28, 2011

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A sign of rejection that is experienced when one person calls another's cell phone and they can hear the phone ring two to three times before the callee's voice mail begins. It is indicative of the callee not wanting to speak to the caller. Had the callee's phone been off, the voice mail would have picked up immediately. More rings would indicate the callee missed the call.

Billy knew that the girl he met the other night wanted nothing to do with him because when he called her for the first time he was third-ring-voicemailed.

by Bintang760 March 9, 2011

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Moist Voicemail

1. The product that occurs when one is leaving a voicemail and water gets into their phone and the phone short circuits. The water can either be on purpose or accidental (from rain, splashing, etc.)
2. Throwing water at someone while they are checking their voicemail.

Erin left me a moist voicemail; her slobber was all over her phone.

by The Klezmer Bandit November 20, 2011

voicemail flashback

when the intel agencies save your voicemails to organize people to think in a socialist way.

The voicemail flashback made people try to hurt one another and stunt on others.

by Coop Dupe July 14, 2020