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1. (adj.) Some one being fiesty, or mean.
2. (noun) An important person in your life.
3. (noun) A funny word that is esspecially hilarious when you say it in class when the teacher calls on you because you weren't paying attention.
4. (noun) The shavings of the skin of citrus fruits.

1. Aurora: I hate you! You ate the LAST cookie!

Sam: Calm down you have too much zest!

Aurora: ... *silence*

2. Tatum: Will you flip the panacake when its done?

Paul: Of course my little zest.

3. Teacher: ...that is your litterary devices worksheet, lets work on-- Jacob, what did I just say?!

Jacob: Zest!

Teacher: Noooo, I just talked about your litterary devices.

Jacob: Thats why I said zest!

Teacher: ... *mumbles* stupid child...

4. Vance: Make sure you use those zest shavings over there!

Eve: Alright, alright...

by lanamay7123 December 7, 2010

7πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


zeal appeal for rest of test that you detest

In passing, kindly demonstrate some zest should you vigorously endevaour passing the test.

by Hercolena Oliver April 28, 2008

11πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Used in a negative manner.

Something you call someone when they do something wrong or mess up.

Sometimes equivalent to "butt head".

Person A: Wowwwww! He took my soda.
Person B: Dude, what a zest!

by 3eqwtgwtgwasdgwargwragw October 5, 2007

6πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


The single greatest skate team ever to live.

hey did u her about that skater from the zest team who switch 360 fliped el toro 20 stair?

by zesty joe April 16, 2007

6πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

lemon zesting

lΔ•mβ€²Ι™n zestβ€²Δ­ng

1. The act of rubbing one’s face against toned abdominal muscles

Similar to motorboating, but used to appreciate washboard abs.

"He began furiously lemon zesting her rock hard abs"

by DatAbs March 30, 2018


Seemingly possessed, said of a non-living or inanimate object. Such objects cannot actually be demonically possessed.

The moving furniture in The Exorcist is pie-zest

by anonymous January 25, 2005

Zest Fest

A group of zesty people doing zesty things in a devious manner

Today science class was a zest fest

by MegaMemeLordCarlWheezerXD January 13, 2023

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