When a girl is walking down the street and asks every guy to have sex with her aka trot mopping
Look there's that slut trot mopping down the street again.
The Female version of a Fidget Spinner
My Wife enjoys her new Spin Mop, now she can relieve stress AND keep my floors clean
To have to rewipe one's ass a few hours after a shit.
Mike: I need to go mop up it's so hot in this warehouse riding this forklift around.
Boss: Make it fast, we don't have all day.
1. (noun) Any member of the US Navy, who, after long periods at sea, tires of his 'hot-bunk' buddy, and starts raping hot mops as a source of sexual gratification.
2. (very) To sexually assault a hot, wet, steaming mop.
May it please the court, this video clearly shows the defendant repeatedly, and with much vigor, sexually assaulting a mop, in the hallway. The defendant is, in fact, a Mop Hopper.
Fuck off. You’re full of shit.
“Mop off”
Boss: “Go empty the trash!” “Get mopped.”
“I slept with three different girls last night”
Get mopped.
Ramen Noodles, the cheap ones you can buy for like $0.10.
Get your poor ass to the store and buy me some mop noodles! We ongry!
When you allow a fully grown black male to slowly spread your butt cheeks apart as he melts butter on your upper back with a hair dryer. Then proceeds to shove his foot into your gaping hole as he sings the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song.
Bro I be mop riblem so hard in the streets of lakeside.