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Radical Conservatives

People who want everyone on Earth to either conform to their ideals or die (and supposedly rot in Hell afterward). They are willing to use any means necessary to accomplish this task.

A group of radical conservatives burned down an abortion clinic and banned the sale of condoms countywide today.

by ~souba~ November 19, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Conservative Guilt

The conservative version of "liberal guilt": A politically conservative person's guilt complex about not supporting liberal government policies. Since conservatives are often attached by liberals for not 'caring enough' about liberal-leaning economic, social problems, they compensate by retaining a high level of knowledge about specific, non-political forms of liberal and/or progressive cultural norms. They exhibit their guilt by obsessively trying to prove that they know a lot about liberal cultural norms.

My conservative guilt always kicks in when I park my car next to a handicap spot when I go places, so I always end up letting strangers who look poor cut me in line.

I absolutely love hipster and folk music; it must be my conservative guilt complex.

I watch the Discovery channel when I'm alone at home because my conservative guilt makes me feel like I should care about protecting the environment.

by ImRightAboutThisOne April 28, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative punk

A Conservative Punk is someone who truly believes in the DIY ethic. A Conservative Punk is a believer in limited government and personal responsibility. A Conservative Punk is someone who stands up for people who can't defend themselves against bullies.

Poseur: Lyke, totally you guys! I'm totally punk!
Conservative Punk: Really now? What are your political preferences?
Poseur: Well, I'm like, totally a socialist because I like, hate Bush and lyke Fat Mike is like totally awesome! Hey! Like, look at my totally cool Che t-shirt!
Conservative Punk: You poseur. What's you're favorite band, you so called "punk".
Conservative Punk: Ahh! It's totally Anti-Flag. I just got their new album out on RCA. What a cool punk label!
Conservative Punk: I'm not surprised. Punk is about personal responsibility and doing the right thing regardless of what others think of you! You are a disgrace to true punks everywhere.
Conservative Punk: OMG! But I thought that it was lyke, for rich white dudes like me!
Conservative Punk: Go suck one of your crappy ass Green Day CD's
Poseur: Oooook! yay!

by Gingivitis T October 11, 2007

204๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž

Conservative Vanilla

- Opposite of Sexual CHocolate

-thus uncool,

Dude 1- Im so excited for paramore

Dude 2-Me tooo

Dude 3- Did you guys see the Jonas premier

CG-Dude 3 you are so Conservative Vanilla

by cowgirl01313 September 7, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Online Conservatives

Online conservatives are the people online that talk about how stupid democrats/liberals are online without looking at facts. They also post degrading things about democrats/liberals on this site. Typically in high school and college. Spend most of their time on the Internet reading what the conservative media (Fox News) wants them to see. Never have facts behind their statements and need a big wake-up call.
guy1: Obama is stupid! He's ruined our economy!

guy2: Actually it was Bush who ruined the economy. Obama just inherited Bushes mess

guy1: Obama is stupid! He's ruined our economy!

guy2: Actually it was Bush who ruined the economy. Obama just inherited Bushes mess. It's the online conservatives who perpetuate this falsehood

by twistedwire January 26, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative punk

An extremely contradicting phrase. You can't be a conservative and a punk. Not only is it un-intelligent, but it is also very disgraceful and pathetic. A conservative punk doesn't exist today, and most likely won't later on.

Poseur: Lyke, totally you guys! I'm totally punk!
Punk: Really now? What are your political prefferances?
Poseur: Well, I'm like, totally a conservative because I like, hate black people and um... bush is lyke, totally awesome!
Punk: You poseur. What's you're favorite band, you so called "punk".
Poseur: Ahh! It's totally Simple Plan.
Punk: I'm not surprised. Punk is about disregaurding orders and ANARCHY! You are a disgrace to true punks everywhere.
Poseur: OMG! But I thought that it was lyke, for rich white girls like me!
Punk: Go suck one of your crappy ass Avril Lavigne CD's
Poseur: Oooook! yay!

by Ginger T. August 7, 2005

209๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative party

The Conservative Party is fast becoming an irrelevance in Britains attempts to become a one party state. Most of their voters are over 68 years of age and will hopefully die very soon. Currently led by David Cameron, who is belived to have suffered severe facial burns as a child which gives him his shiny balloon face.

Most Tories (Conservative members) are upper class, too stupid to enter the family business, were educated at Eton, congenitally delusional, and have become the last remnants of Empire. However there remains strong support amongst the neuveau riche (trying to become like the above), and the xenophobic lower classes who wish they were working 'below stairs' cleaning shit off their masters shoes.

A: I think I might vote for the Conservative party at the next election.

B: Who?

C: Oh, I rememeber them! (then proceeds to assault B)

by lukaz January 13, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž