a ducky is a fan of jay/duckys._.cabinet a lot are so sweet but a lot of them left the fandom
the most beautiful person on the planet!
I love Ducky so much! They are such a perfect human being and deserve the world<3
ducky is a nickname my bestie friend her roblox username is: ducky_123cotton my username is emliyloverobu my display name is ducky_emliy hehe friend me PLS also meh friend SHEEEEEEEEESH
guy 1: i bet u still play rubber ducky LOL🤣
ducky: bish then why ur bag is rubber duck😎?
guy 1: i-i-i-i AHHHHHHHH *runs*
He loves Russia, Soviet Union, probably deals coke with a 4yr old
Yo that’s ducky
Ye he went to Russia last year