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A female sheep that has had a baby lamb or a is preggo

All I want for Christmas is EWE!

Ya get it? ;)

omg look its a ewe with a baby lamb

by thebestbishever1212 May 7, 2021


ew but with an extra e

ewe? new word?

by jdjdjkasjeukksmd June 13, 2021


Plural verion of ewwwww

Ethan falls into a mud and goes towards a group of people to cover them in mud.
"Ewes, Ethan" said Boriana, "stay away from me"

by elite shagger 2345673 September 9, 2021


Also spelt you or u. Meaning:

-used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
"are ewe listening?"
-used to refer to the person being addressed together with other people regarded in the same class.
"Ewe Australians"
-used in exclamations to address one or more people.
"Ewe fools"
-used to refer to any person in general.
"after a while, ewe get used to it"

"are ewe listening?"
"Ewe Australians"
"Ewe fools"
"after a while, ewe get used to it"

by Savage Ginger November 27, 2023


ewe is a sneaky owo~

I shat in your pringles andy, and there’s nothing you can do about it, motherfucker, literally eat my shit out of an aluminium tube, fuck you, waste of oxygen.


by boobacloops February 18, 2021


a way for arcade stick enthusiasts to show their dislike for the Vewlix layout that seems to be standard on most arcade sticks, even though Noir is by far the superior layout.

Hey Scott, did you see that guys arcade stick? he's using the "ew"lix layout. What a peasant!

by ShadalooFrieza May 6, 2021

skroo ewe

An insult. When pronounced, it sounds like "screw you".

Your post is insulting. skroo ewe!

by barber of seville May 24, 2019