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That is not a nice word, but it is just used to refer to someone with red hair, freckles, and pale skin. I have red hair and I have been complemented on it my entire life. All of you idiots that think we have no souls are a little retarded. I will have to agree with the short temper part though. So be jealous of us but please keep it to yourself. Don't call us gingers or you might get laughed at or punched in the face depending on our mood.

I have beautiful red hair, cute freckles, and pale skin. I love it and don't care what anyone else thinks! The word "ginger" just isn't a nice word.

by Country Girl Superwoman1 November 7, 2008

511๐Ÿ‘ 339๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word used to describe red-heads in a derogatory way. Its the red heads nigger, the words are simmiler. They are not crackas or niggers they are gingers.

Black guy: switch the n and the g and your just like me
Ginger: yeah i know

by purplestickypunch88 May 9, 2007

581๐Ÿ‘ 394๐Ÿ‘Ž


A woman with red hair. The colour of the hair can range from a strawberry blonde through auburn, flaming red and copper. Redheads with green eyes are often considered to have very high sex drives, and men will often speculate as to whether or not she is a 'natural redhead', that is, with ginger pubic hair as well.

Mmm... look at that hot ginger!

by MapleSailor May 12, 2009

58๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Crazy, awesome people with fire hair. Gingers come in different levels:
(lowest level)
1. Seasonal ginger
2. wanna be ginger
3. "strawberry" ginger
4. Denial ginger
5. radically freckled ginger
6. gingerlicious ginger
7. super ginger
8. lobster ginger
9. epic ginger
10. firecrotch
(highest level)

Oh those crazy gingers. That one doing the keg stand has to be at least a 6.

by luckycoin627 May 28, 2010

251๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person with ginger hair of any shade. Some gingers can be pale, tan, some can have freckles to the max or just have a few. People get extremely jealous of gingers. They consider them to be soul-less and you automatically came off the boat from Irland. They are mainly jealous becuase they know gingers are considered the sexiest people alive. People try to immitate the natual ginger color. Old ladies compliment you and ask where you bought your hair dye. Nick names always come out of having red hair. Fire Crotch, Carrot Top, Freckle Face, Ginga', etc. Truly taste-less jokes come out of it, too. "You weren't born in a hospital! Your mom threw any old spice into the pot and poof, you!"

I am a ginger and I know most people are jealous of me :)

by 15632 April 27, 2007

942๐Ÿ‘ 684๐Ÿ‘Ž


A flame haired person usually with pale skin and freckles. Contrary to contemporary theories (usually spouted by non-passport holding americans who couldn't spot rhetoric if it slapped them in the face) Gingers have a larger soul than most, due to making their way through life in the face of abject hatred and moronic opinions. A proud member of the Celtic race who constantly punches above his/her wieght.

Actors Damian Lewis, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Nicole kidman are gingers.

by Brian Coyle March 28, 2006

465๐Ÿ‘ 332๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gingerism is a new religion in which Chuck Norris is the creator of everything (God) and Gingers are are the original peoples. The Original Peoples (Gingers) created normal people (Non-Gingers) because they were afraid of Chuck and were lonely. The reason that we (Gingers) don't have souls is that we felt bad for Non-Gingers so when we're born we lock our souls in a box and distribute sections of it to Non-Gingers so they can have souls.

Gingerism is the best, most believable religion out there.

by Vette I etteV November 22, 2010

94๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž