A hair that is growing into the skin, in the nether regions.
I have a bad case of the inverted pube.
An Inverted Tea Bag is the delectable and often painful task of actually ejaculating your own testicles out of your own penis. This is accomplished by withholding from sex or self pleasure for 5 or more days. As climax is achieved the testis will exit the urethra and dangled oh so gracefully by the spermatic cords. It is then traditional to dab the testicles on a friend or lover's forehead.
The last time I attemped to do an Inverted Tea Bag only one of my testis came out. I had to hold a peanut near the end of my penis hole to entice the second testi to come out of its den.
A nice respectful way of letting someone know you were lying
I am a major league baseball player
Bro I think he pulled an inverted collaranco
A society in which everything works in complete reverse, as expected from the world as a child, or is this what is called adulthood?
Have you noticed how invertism holds this world in its grasp?
When someone is shot in the "Head" and the person who shot gets to fuck the hole.
I shot this mofo and give him Inverted Head
When a woman's vagina is so hairy that It has hair on the inside as well.
A: I almost got laid last night, but had to get the fuck out when she took off her pants.
B: Why? She have a penis?
A: No, Inverted Grizzly.
B: Oh, snap.
Most grim and frostbitten landscape on Earth! Favourite vacation spot of the Necrowizard. Serious evil-doing known to take place there.
Located within the frozen uplands of Necrodeathmortum (upper upstate northern Norway), the inverted necromountain features several ski resorts where inverted moongoats are lusftully worshipped while skiing down (or up -it's inverted).
The only grim and frostbitten gay bar on earth was open somewhere within the necromountain, but its exact location is still unknow. The bar is allegedly managed by members of the band Immortal.
Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West inverted necromountain
Take me home, country roads