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Someone who is very autistic an likes to fuck his psycho ex

That isaac is a right autistic spacka

by Badderz January 26, 2020

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A cunt. True scum.

That kid is such an Isaac.

by Urbane Urbanite May 10, 2016

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The gorgeous guy that you love but dumps you for an Aplin. Isn't life sad?

"OMG he dumped me!"
"That total isaac. Did you slap him?"

by Youresodeadisaacbutistilluvu June 11, 2009

60πŸ‘ 415πŸ‘Ž


A rare term describing a person who has BEEN A LIL' FUXBOI.

"God that dude is such a Isaac"

by TheMagicianEx March 5, 2017

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An ugly fuck that nobody like and thinks he's a fuckboy but he is one of the most innocent people you will meet and doesn't open up to people cause he's afraid to get hurt

I'm sorry I'm like isaac

by Johnnybravo69 August 1, 2017

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A snake boy that will bring everyone around him down to make himself looks better. People who don't know him tend to like him because they think he is joking when he is rude, and can't see how manipulative he is.

An Isaac will have an extremely extra reaction to conflict and being called out on his manipulation and will do his best to get everyone to be on his 'side'. He calls a difference in views a 'massive fight' and will say and do anything for extra attention, including destroying someone's life.

His favorite word is 'snake', and if he isn't telling everyone how much of a snake you are, he'll be tweeting about it. (his tweets suck so don't waste your time following him)

Overall Isaacs live for attention and will drag anyone down to make themselves have the limelight for a tiny bit longer.

"I only told him that I didn't like his hair and he's blocked me on every form of social media"
"DAMN, that's such an Isaac"

by minionluvr420 July 6, 2017

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Isaac is a cross between a large alligator and a fat black woman. Sassy, gassy, and just plain o’ll nasty. You don’t want to come across him on a Taco Tuesday because you won’t make it to Wednesday. He has the looks of a orangutan and a hippo, the grace of an ostrich, and the speed of a sloth. In other words you don’t want to see him at the beach trying to tan his cheeks. You won’t make it to Sunday. Great guy!

Girl: oh god I didn’t heed your warning regarding Isaac (drops dead before Wednesday)

by Bllleh October 22, 2020

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