Annaleise Louise is a wonderful and feminine name. It represents the woman she is.
She’ll be the girl who runs through the finish line with all her friends there clapping, she’ll be the one that all the boys find attractive, she’s the one that is loved she is popular and everyone’s jealous. She’s feisty if you get on the wrong side of her and sarcastic if you are her friend. She’s a top level student with rather sarcastic I don’t give a shit attitude but somewhere in there, if you look close enough you’ll see her true colours. Wonderful.make sure you get yourself a girlfriend named Annaleise Louise, she’s a keeper😉 and girls, get yourself one of these amazing women and never let her go. She’ll always be there.
Boy: Damn she’s hot, Annaleise Louise she a snacc
Her crush: Man, She’s fuckin hot aye but I’m too scared to ask her out
Boy: Do it bro
Her crush: She’ll say no if I go up to her with my friends
Boy: Do it alone
She will say yes if she cares
Louise Kulson is the most beautiful girl ever. She impresses everyone, and everyone feens over her.
Look at Louise Kulson i want to be her
Louise is regarded by many to be the current president of the entire Universe. She spends her days leading a reign of tyranny and searching for pink objects to line her palace.
person 1: is that Louise Fakley?
person 2: i love wellingtons.
Lila Louise Williams is a grumpy moo she is lazy can not be bothered to walk to budgens to see me and is the most weirdest thing on this earth.
“Hey is that Lila Louise Williams?”
“Yes, she is the most frumpiest human being I have ever met”
“Get off your ass you silly lazy bum hole”
Louise she just wasn't thinking straight...
when she climbed into his bed
she only wanted to lie beside him
to hell with his best friend
Hater: STFU
Louise (song) by TV Girl