Source Code

Personnel reliability program

Kangaroo court for government employees to fuck with people's lives

Better not take a lunch or they with mess with your PRP (personnel reliability program.)

by Saucy b June 9, 2023

welfare program

A program that your hard earned money pays for whether you like it or not that was intentionally used to help people get out of debt, but instead just encourages them to stay poor, or continue to do what made them poor.

tim: I just signed up for the welfare program

fred: Welfare? wasn't that made up to encourage you to not work?

tim: It's supposed to help people like me pay for living, now let's celebrate and smoke weed I bought with the check I received from welfare.

by TornadoGordo June 22, 2017

Asian Programs

The word Asian Programs was invented by an “Asian” Nigga called Guapo. Asian programs can be ran to find the @ of “interesting” females on any social media. Also can be described as cheats in video games.

Tray: Using Asian programs, i was finally able to find the perfect midget

by FuckDlive February 25, 2021

functional programming

Much in the way one who participates in heavy drinking, but can operate in normal society is a functional alcoholic: one who participates in heavy function use, but can program normal programs is doing functional programming. Functions, especially the more street available nested anonymous ones, are highly addictive and may make you want to abandon other forms of control flow entirely. Allows one to write code that operates on other code easily. Nerd Shit.

My favorite functional programming language is Idris, it's like Haskell but for nerds.

by Timothy Brentwood July 27, 2022

functional programming

a shitty way to program that is infearior to imperative programmering languages like HolyC

haskell is ass because it uses functional programming

by The Holy Language Authority March 14, 2022

Kerbal Space Program

(kerh-ball sphace prho-ghr-ham)
"The greatest space disaster simulator to ever hit virtual store shelves." -Martincitopants
It's true, it's better than the sequel.
Stop bashing KSP2, be patient.

1- "Bro I just bought Kerbal Space Program!"
2- "Yooo! Make sure install some mods for auto strut tho."

by Farlanders of Another Land June 16, 2023

The abs program

A program designed to make the peak physical human. The perfection cannot be understated on how magnificent and extraordinary the physical form will be after completing the abs program. Stands for "abrasive body systematic".

Did you hear that Szints guy completed the abs program?

by John Bean VI March 9, 2023