Source Code

Swiss Cheese

A more suitable name for Windows 98 and later.

Swiss Cheese XP Home Edition is such crap!

by boarder8925 August 28, 2003

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Swiss Cheese

A gay man's asshole after his mate has missed a few times in the butt. Allowing him to be picked up bowling ball style because of the holes. (Usually being referenced by a claw motion of the hand.)

Last night you kept missing and you turned my ass into swiss cheese. Now i am afraid to walk past the bowling alley. Seriously my ass looks like a mafia hit gone wrong.

by Dattin J October 17, 2012

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Swiss Turtleneck

The act of a man's head being placed between two sets of large breasts so that the breasts make a "turtleneck" over the man's neck

Brandon: "Dude, i just got the two Emily's to give me a Swiss Turtleneck!"

Blake: "Nice, dude!"

by Big Choctaw July 6, 2010

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curtians and swiss

1. beef curtians slabbed with hot melted swiss folded together in a V shape sandwich with a little pink in the middle. If not properly cared for the beef curtians and swiss can go skank.

2. a toasted roast beef sandwich slabbed with swiss cheese

damn man got yourself some curtians and swiss.

Good example: fresh T's right out of the cooler.
Bad Example: bitches bacon in the sun.

by riggieri July 28, 2006

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swiss techno

The act ofexpressing gay love like David McGaughlan; where the offender gets jizzed in the eye and has his ears pulled

Skull Face is a swiss techno wizard

by Ray April 26, 2005

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Swiss Bag

An unfortunate defect that occurs in plastic bags where the bottom isn't sealed properly and holes exist but are not apparent until actual use.

When the Swiss Bag is used to pick up dog poop while walking the dog, it becomes a Swiss Poop Bag. Should the dog walker use the Swiss Poop Bag to pick up dog poop, there is a high likelihood the dog walker will experience fresh pressed poop

by the creeper October 21, 2009

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swiss appointment

appoinment that is scheduled with a Swiss National precisely in umm... at least three weeks in advance because otherwise they would loose face not to have any appointment in the mean time at all and to appear too needy to make the appointment too soon.

I'm gonna have my swiss appointment with Reto in a fortnight. Gosh he'll sit around for two weeks just preparing that.

by philippedemorat August 6, 2012

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