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A townie hangs around in groups of about 15, they go drinking, they usually go out looking for fights, they always have a mobile stuck to their head, and the girls wear the tightest tops they can (which is not a good thing because usually they are way too fat)! And their vocabulary usually consists of Fucking, slag & slut. They pick on people just because they are not like them, and they can't except others!

"You fucking slag, you is in for it now, innit!"

by Joey February 17, 2004

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The opposite to a rocker. They wear all sports clothes and shell suits!! They think it's cool to smoke and take drugs and think they're all hard! They deliberately don't try hard in school so they can get chucked out and they always have fights.

Loads of them that seem to be multiplying in my school!

by Essy December 9, 2003

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Someone who goes to debate camp, calls others townies when they are the clear townies.

Person 1: Did you hear Ann, the townie, called Samie a townie?
Person 2: Ya I did. Didn't Ann also just get back from debate camp?

by notatownie258 July 22, 2010

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An idiot who thinks they're better than anyone else, and is talented at cussing people out. (I've had experience. I used to sit next to one in science). Have a strange obsession with the words 'yo momma,' like to hang out behind gas stations, and can't say one sentence without cussing. Also can't stand to get their shiny white shoes dirty, and wash them every day.

Blond. Dyed of course. Lots of clumpy mascara, and talk valley girl. Also are obsessed with shoes, although not as much as the males, and will not be seen wearing anything other than American Eagle, South Pole, or Abercrombie and Fitch. + very skimpy clothes. Oh yeah, or Jellies/Ugs (which, by the way are the worst fashion statement known to mankind.) Giggle A LOT. Usually, they find work as cheerleaders. Once in a while, they can be nice but not for long, and still remain the opposite of anything original.

Just to summaraize: beware of townies.

townie: Yo-wuzzup, muthafucka?
me: Just shut up already!
townie: Yo momma!
me: And that is an insult how exactly?

by JoLlama November 16, 2007

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a towniw is a person who tucks there le coq sportif or other sportwear brand tracksuit bottoms into there socks n wears a polo t shirt usually a very poor brand and a burbery cap at a ridiculous angle. They often start fights with people for no reason because they are sch hard bastards that they can do so. However, if they dsont have there crew they are often beaten up cos they simply try to pysh you over iwth there wrist by hitting your shoulder ali g style.
Can be found on veery single mcdonalds in existance in england, outside Jacksons(in Hull) and ask to borrow 20 p to buy some pot. They also ask you to give them skins for a joint whilst you are sat on a bus and when you refuse verbally abuse you in a "intimadating fashion".if you look at them they consider it an insult n will try n knife you, spurded on by there cronies n pregnant girlfriend.A wanker.

an example of one is all included above

by dirty rock star March 9, 2004

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Someone who has nuthin better to do then go around town smoking and telling people to piss off. They have no future and they smell like crap. Their hats are so far back they look like they are stapled on to stay on their head. They love bad boys 2 and hate school of rock.SAD ASS'S!!!!!

Townie: "im well 'ard"
Me: "U always try and start fights for no reason"
Townie "U STARTIN'???"
ME: "rrrrrright"

by Drummer Johnny 3000 February 16, 2004

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shit people with shit lives who ruin everyone elses life

"yo gimme that guitar yeh"
"nar my mans nuff good on guitar!"

"no you're actually both big fat cocks"

by john December 18, 2003

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