Transferring feelings you have for a significant person in your life to someone who reminds you of that person. An example of this is when you meet someone who reminds you of your father and you transfer the feelings you have for your father to that person.
Transference is a defense mechanism according to my therapist
An Oxy moron. How could it be smart to transfer a customer of yours to a sales person who will likely sign them up for something that they did not want, need, or agree to sign up for.
I am going to smart transfer this old lady so she'll get slammed into signing up for a credit monitoring program for hundreds of dollars more than it's worth.
Put you asshole right against your significant other’s asshole, then one of you has to shit into the other person’s asshole.
My girlfriend and I tried the “Dark transfer” last night
A person who likes to ask for money from people in a form of a bank transfer
Her: Baby do transfer for me let me be going home
Him: Ah! Baby you’re a transfer agent, anyway send me your account details
A prank involving the act of taking apart something large and putting it back together in an indoor environment, like someone's living room. The object is too big to fit through a door to the outside when completed. Mostly done with some kind of vehicle.
My friend's mother complained that the ATV project was to big for her yard. So we Tijuana Transferred it into her living room, while she was on a business trip.
When you and another person have a tube from anus to anus, transferring farts into each others cavities back and forth until so much stank is accumulated that when the tube is removed and the fart is released into the air, you are paralytically high from said fumes.
!!CAUTION!! These fumes may cause death like the real Auschwitz
I nearly died last night doing an Auschwitz Transfer with my homie. Incredible high though...