Source Code


1- Grandparent's cousin.
2- Cousin's grandchild.


by Simaduria July 26, 2024

the poor man always buys twice

When someone is a tight-arse with money and they sacrifice quality for a cheap dollar price. The item usually breaks or doesn’t work well and they have to buy again what they should have bought the first time

“I thought I got the bargain of all time but it was just crap.”
“Mate. The poor man always buys twice!”

by BMc2 September 19, 2023


1- Grandparent's sesquiple-first-cousin.
2- Sesquiple-first-cousin's grandchild.
3 - Child of the parent's half-grandpibling with the other parent's grandpibling.
4 - Child of the parent's half-grandnibling with the other parent's grandnibling.
5 - Child of the parent's half-grandnibling with the other parent's grandpibling.
6 - Child of the parent's half-grandpibling with the other parent's grandnibling.
7- Sesqui-first-cousin-twice-removed.

My sesquiple-first-cousin-twice-removed is a good person.

by ZYRB3256 February 21, 2022

you dont have time tell me twice

When you work with someone and they are staying late and you want them to go. But they still think there's too much to do but they have things to do elsewhere. This is what you say to them on the way of the door.

Them " there's a bunch more to do but I have to go. Can you finish up and do this... and this....?"

You " you dont have time tell me twice "

by Whiteswordgift December 9, 2022

sad story told twice

Sad story told twice is a reference to having a similar background or upbringing as another person. You've heard it before. Father walked out because of drugs, ect.

She was a sad story told twice.

by SeaSkye January 7, 2017


Spouse's first-cousin-twice-removed's spouse.

My co-first-cousin-twice-removed-in-law is a good person.

by JAMP12 September 21, 2021


1- Stepgrandparent's cousin.
2- Grandparent's stepcousin.
3- Stepcousin's granchild.
4- Cousin's stepgrandchild.

My step-first-cousin-twice-removed is a good person.

by ZURB981634 February 10, 2022