An overpriced piece of toilet paper.
Person- "oh, crap! I'm out of toilet paper! oh well, I'll use my sister's Twilight book."
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a depressed girl who cannot decide weather to screw a dead man or a dog
Bella + vampire=twilight???
Bella + werewolf=twilight???
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Biggest fucking mistake ever.
It's a book series by Stephenie Meyer.
You're a Twilight! I knew we should have used protection.
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The world's most elaborate and cunningly crafted Mormon advertising campaign against pre-marital sex
Stephanie Meyer, author of Twilight, told me it is wrong to have sex before marriage, therefore it must be true
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A multi-billion dollar producing franchise that is frequently given incredibly negative feedback regardless of it's success.
Common negative feedback; "Edward is pale, hence, ugly," (Robert Pattinson has been named Sexiest Man Alive for the past five years)
"Kristen Stewart has no emotions" (No one will ever acknowledge her beautiful smile after that label had been made)
"They totally changed the image of vampires!" (Hence, the success. Originality is key.)
"They sparkle!" (Back to the originality argument. These are not regular vampires.)
"There's no plot," (Right. Obviously not, that's why there's a James and a Volturi and a Jacob Black and a Renesmee,)
Truth be told, narrow-mindedness has shown no mercy on this franchise.
Girl 1: "Ugh! I fucking hate Twilight!"
Girl 2: "Why is that?"
Girl 1: "Because there's no plot and Edward's so ugly!"
Girl 2: "Have you read it?"
Girl 1: "Yes,"
Girl 2: "Did you hate from before you read it?"
Girl 1: "Well yeah,"
Girl 2: "Well there you fucking go you biased ignoramus,"
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Seriously, I know there are that many Twitards/Twihards that are completely obsessed with the book/movie, but come off it!!
It is a book series/movie about a plain girl falling in love with a 'beautiful' vampire, having a family (which should be impossible) and living happily ever after in the end.
I wasn't so much into the movie, and while the books may be a little empty as to plot or description (other than that of the perfection called Edward Cullen)I actually did enjoy reading them. Yeah, there is A LOT of cliche's, and rips from other books/movies, but there is still a heap of stuff that's different to the normal image of a 'vampire'.
It may be terribly cliched in the girl meets boy, girl falls in love with boy department, but it's interesting enough to occupy the mind of someone terribly bored.
It's not just tweenfan orientated as people depict, plenty of adults enjoy it, I being one of them (and I must say I'm intellectually sound), and it's funny saying it's just fangirls obsessed because half the dim-witted tweens in my town are to busy out screwing, getting drunk, & failing school to sit down an read a book, let alone ENJOY something that promotes moral behaviour!!
But I feel fit to say I am not a Twitard, and any of the people who ARE into the whole "Oh Edward Cullen is dreamy, I wanna have his babies" type of crap, YOUR KIDDING YOURSELVES!! Fictional character people!! Paid actor people!! He may have good morals (actually, nothing FUN ever came out of abstinence did it) but that's about it!! In person, Robert Pattinson looks rather plain!! Without all those dreamy visual effects makind him look lifeless that is...
Anyway, if you like it, good on ya, if ya don't, good on ya too, it's up to you.
It's a good boredom buster, but don't bust ya guts bitching about it if ya don't like it!! It makes you look like YOU'VE got nothing better to do.
Fangirl: "Oh I love Edward Cullen, he's so gorgeous"
Me: "You realise he's fictional right?"
Fangirl: "Whatever, he's dreamy, your just jelous"
Me: "Of what, a bit of paper?"
Fangirl: "You don't even know what Twilight is you monster"
Me: "Pffft.... fuck off."
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Twilight is probably one of the easiest books to read. It is written in a language so simple with a plot so dull that a third grader from Mexico can comprehend it.
Basically a vampire foodfight, it is a novel that seems to be aimed at fifth or sixth graders.
This book was then made into a PG-13 movie that was as enjoyable as lacerating your own eyeballs with a sharpened piece of rusted tin.
"The book was the best book in the world, everyone should buy it"
-typical teenage highschool girl
"I saw twilight and felt out of place, the movie theater was full of thirteen year olds. There could've been younger audiences but it was PG-13."
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