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pronounced twi-tard

One who takes fandom of Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, to a level of or beyond obsession.

They often flames forum postings trying to defend the book, regardless whether the book was being critiqued negatively or not. They are also prone to using all caps, not checking their spelling/grammar, jumping to conclusions, falling in love with Edward, and biting people's heads of for just saying they didn't like the book.

They're worse than a rabid fan girl or a Narutard: it's a Twitard.

by divby0 December 9, 2008

866๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rabid Twilight fan that has the intellectual capacity of a squash.

If that twitard had any brains at all she'd not like that book half so much.

by San Hitalsuru May 23, 2009

314๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


A twitard is an obsessed fan of the suck ass vampire series Twilight.

Twitards are dangerous. Many have attacked innocent people all for saying they didn't like Twilight.

If you see a twitard, act with caution. They may pull a knife on you, throw acid in your face, hit you with Twilight it's self across the face and scratch your eyes out, just to name a few attacks that have happened.

Damn twitard pulled a knife on my granny all because she had never heard of Edward Cullen. WTF?

by The lol Bandit February 26, 2009

547๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pejorative term referring to a rabid, obsessed fan of the Twilight series (a.k.a. twihard).

Unlike regular twilighters, twitards practically worship the series (some even referring to it as the bible) and refuse to tolerate any parodies or critiques of their beloved obsession.

Twitards are known for expressing their dislike of people who don't like Twilight (especially anti-twilighters) through the following:
-yelling or abusing caps lock/exclamation points
-violence (including, but not limited to, punching, beating, kicking, and fish slaughter)
-ad hominems (the most common ones being: "you're ugly," "you've never read the 'saga'", and "you have no life.")
-false statistics
-expressing their and their friends unending love towards the series
-horrifying spelling, grammar, and syntax

Person: I don't like the Twilight series.
Twitard: OMG!!1! HOw CuLD U nOT LyK TWLIGHT!?/1/?
Person: Well, I think Edward is very abusi-
Twitard: NooO!!!1!!1!1 EDWarD Iz JuST PrOTeTIn BeLA HAO CulD U S4Y sUCH a THING alL mAH FreNDz luv tEH SaGA 98% oF tEenZ LUv TwilITE &7 onLY 2%5 Dont Soooo UR JuST uGLY HaTEr W/ nOOo lYF OMG U a**hoLE!1!!!1!!!!11

by Moon of Epic Win July 12, 2009

230๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person whose obsession with Stephenie Meyers' Twilight is so intense their mental capacities are depressed.

She's such a twitard, she thinks that pale dude in bio is a vampire.

by Besco McFerr February 18, 2009

391๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used for completely obsessed Twilight fans.

"I just got attacked by a twitard 'cause I said I hated Twilight..."

by Tubz1995 January 23, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a twilight crazed retard
(usually will call self mrs cullen or a "twihard")


sane person:that's great, twitard

by iareRAYNEBOW May 17, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž