vsco girls are just basic girls who doesn’t want that name
no one:
not even a soul:
vsco girls: and i oop- skskskksks oops i dropped my hydroflask skskksksks
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a species of humans that think they’re different. they all own shell necklaces, scrunchies, hydro flasks and vans. the only things you will hear them say are “sksksksksk” “and i oop-“ and “dropped my hydro flask!”. they only drink out of metal straws and think having vsco is a personality trait.
person: hey-
vsco girl: sksksksk and i oop- and i oop- sksksk dropped my hydro flask! sksksksksk
person: wha-
vsco girl: and i oop!!! sksksksksk save the turtles!
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A dumb bitch with an identity crisis.
- Vsco girls wear oversized t-shirts and scrunchies, their hair is put up in a messy bun and they usually top off their outfit with puravida bracelets. Vsco girls carry their useless hydroflasks everywhere (that they don't even drink out of) and they most likely own hundreds of redbubble stickers. True vsco girls wear crocs and birkenstocks, as well as puka shell necklaces that look like they are cutting of their circulation. They own thousands of metal straws and have a mental breakdown everytime they leave them at home. Their instagram stories are mostly of shared posts to do with dying turtles and the environment. Their vocabulary consists of 'and i oop' and 'sksksksksk'. and they choose to believe that they rule the damn world.
"Oh great, another vsco girl."
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An annoying ass hoe who walks around in oversized shirts, pucka whatever necklace, a whole fucking hydro flask and says “sksksk and I oop and I oop😗”
There goes that annoying ass vsco girl.
That vsco girl can smd.
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A basic girl who follows the trends. Normally has lots of friendship bracelets, a hydroflask, Birkenstock’s , vans, crocs, a pearl choker, a puka shell choker, a Polaroid, wears oversized t shirts or tube tops, and wears a lot of scrunchies.
Oh my gosh, look at her. I love her aesthetic, she is the perfect VSCO girl.
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The most basic girl you’ll ever ever see. They have a scrunchie on there wrist all the time ( even in there sleep) . They have all the vsco essentials like hydroflasks, friendship bracelets, etc. Usually seen walking around with a tube top, shorts, hair in a messy bun, and a scrunchie on there wrist. They think there very quirky with there crocs. There bassically the girls who fit in with the trends. If a vsco girl invites you over for a sleepover, don’t expect a formal sleepover with movies and a bed. They like to have sleepovers in a trampoline with lots of blankets and pillows. They also spray lots of Mario Badescu facial spray before bed and in the morning. Vsco girls usually edit all there photos with the C1 Filter. They also like to say “ skskksks” and “ and i oop-“ a lot. As a vsco girl myself, U know from experience. But if you ever use a plastic straw in front of them, you’ll get attacked. Make sure to use a metal straw infront of them. If you like Quirky, trendy, basic, and fun friends, the vsco girl is the right girl for you.
girl 1 ( not vsco): Hey
Vsco girl: Hey did u grab me my hydro flask?
girl 1: yeah here ( drops it)
vsco girl: and i oop-
girl 1: sorry
vsco girl: Is ok skskskss
vsco girl: omg are you wearing birks?
girl 1: no these are just sandals
vsco girl: ok
girl 1: ( sips starbucks with plastic straw) have you ever tried the v-
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those basic bitches, mostly freshman, who claim their messy buns are effortless, with an additional four scrunchies on their wrists with no intention of putting them in their hair, tube tops, shell necklaces, birkenstocks, and, of course, and oversized hydro flask because #stayhydrated. Can be identified as well from hearing constant “and i oops” and “skskskskssksksk”
“and i oop!”
“that mf vsco girl is driving me insane”
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