A name for a guy who’s usually a good guy but sometimes it references a guy who’s a troublemaker
The most amazing person that you will ever meet.
"I really love Calvin"
"Heyyy Calvin"
Boxer-brief style underwear; short for clothing designer Calvin Klein
Girl: Do you wear boxers or briefs?
Guy: Naw girl I wear Calvins.
Calvins are very nice people. They make other people happy and are very helpful and kind. Calvins deserve the world. We need more Calvins in the world.
Person 1: Who's that over there?
Person 2: My friend Calvin!!
Person 1: Wow! He must be a nice person!
Shannon’s brother Calvin is a Dickhead
Calvin is a dickhead
This totally hot guy with great hair (like me) and all the girls love him. He is such a chad and REALY straight man.
Really hot girl-Isn’t Calvin so hot?
Ur mom-Calvin is really good at sports!