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Rum Bong

A drinking apparatus to consume large amounts of rum in a short amount of time. Consists of several feet of tubing connected to a valve and another section of tubing a few inches long. The tube is inserted into the rum, preferably a 2 liter of rum & coke, which is placed above the drinker, either at the top of stairs or a loft. The valve is opened and gravity forces rum down the tube and into your throat. Guaranteed to mess you up.

Holy hell, we downed that half gallon of rum in like... 20 minutes. I don't even feel a thing though.
(10 minutes later)
Dude, i'm not feeling too good... that Rum Bong really messed me up. I can barely walk.

by Timmy W. April 26, 2008

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bong load

To load the bong (water pipe)with weed.

Pack a bong-load bro!

by Irie Dude September 21, 2003

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bong rip

Noun - what one has taken when they smoke a dose of marijuana from a bong. See bong hit.

Tran took a bong rip before the job interview in order to calm his nerves.

by oolong August 17, 2006

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Bong Cheese

The left over smoke after taking a hit from a bong.

Hey dude you have to clear that bong cheese before I hit the tube

by Mir0ki September 17, 2021

bong mechanics

the science that goes into making a home made bong from house hold items.

dude 1: shit i broke my trusty bong
dude 2: aww no good, looks like we are gonna need to use some damn smart bong mechanics to this old mountain due bottle into a new bong

by bongsrheros July 27, 2010

Quadrito Bong

A beer bong filled with beer and quadrito (Cheetos, Dorito's, Fritos, and Tito's Vodka). A favorite amongst frat daddy's and those looking for a high-calorie liquid intake!

When Jeff was late getting back to the party bus, he was forced to chug down a Quadrito Bong.

by Sparky the SunDevil April 18, 2014

Bong Sliding

The act of smoking weed out of a bong slide because there are no other available devices to be smoked out of.

This practice is only followed by those too cheap to buy rolling papers or buy a $5 pipe from the corner smoke shop

James: "Dude do we have a pipe or papers?"
Milty: "Nope"
James: "Well then looks like we're bong sliding tonight"

by Cheddars56 April 13, 2012