Source Code

Prelude Curse

A soul-consuming hex that is placed on Honda Preludes. Owners of the Honda Prelude will notice a rather gratuitous level of misfortune entering their lives. These encounters will include near-endless amounts of painfully sad and intense traumatic experiences that will eventually consume the owner's very existence. In modern times the curse still remains to be within each Prelude.

Ever since he bought that old black 1993 Honda Prelude, his life turned upside down for the worst. Every day he had turned into a terrible struggle, riddled with bad luck and misfortune. His tired engine burned all its oil within 3 days, and every nut and bolt he touched stripped. He tried his hardest to survive, but he never stood a chance against the Prelude Curse.

by A very tired h23a May 27, 2022

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Curse of the Ashino

A curse in which you Exgirlfriend, Exfiance, Exboyfriend, Exfiance, Etc, puts a binding curse on you preventing you from meeting other women/men successfully. Others that find you attractive will be thwarted off mysteriously for unknown reasons. You will know if you have this curse because everytime you go to strike a move the curse happens the same way everytime.

Its the damn Curse of the Ashino thats keepin me from getting my swerve on playa!!!

by Johnston McStyles August 11, 2006

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Curse of the Sphinx

Sexual move in which a guy or girl tantalizes his/her girl's cooch by striking an Egyptian pose with one arm and wiggling the fingers around in a tickling fashion. Very exotically erotic. Subject may have to be elevated for this.

The Curse of the Sphinx makes her hot every time.

by Cerberus Pup November 29, 2004

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lefty curse

left handed guys who beat off with their right hand

"I've got that lefty curse where everything I do is flipped and awkwardly reversed."

by Sneaux91 September 23, 2007

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Curse of the Benbino

Is when radio host Ben Maller predicts, declares, or hopes that any team or player will win a championship and they will find a way to lose.

Damn, I thought the Clippers would win this year until received got the dreaded Curse of the Benbino.

The Warriors blew a 3-1 series lead in the finals, the Curse of the Benbino strikes again!

by AnthonyinAnaheim June 1, 2017

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Curse of AIM

The Curse of AIM, referring to AOL Instant Messenger, is when an individual makes a typo during a conversation while trying to sound witty, intelligent, or superior. This often negates his point and causes others to ignore the statement entirely.

Person A: Then again, all political parties do is further divide Americats.

Person B: haha, americats?

Person A: shut up -- stupid curse of AIM...

Person B: meow.

by MTaztic March 21, 2008

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Sahami Curse

worst curse you can get
It starts off with your mom, she starts to just love everything brown, EVERYTHING. then next thing you know your shirt just smells like curry, you try everything to get rid of it but it over powers everything, even man power, it moves onto your pants, your hair, YOUR HAND! every summer you start getting browner and browner, thats sahami's way of getting you in. after you are fully under the influence of sahami curry, you will fall asleep and dream of sahami and his caterpillars on his face... when you wake up you will see him and he will have a bag of curry and he will throw it at you and you will die, this is a warning, beware of sahami . . .

dude, erika died from the Sahami Curse
how do you know
they found her body with a bag of curry on it

by sahamicurse January 25, 2011

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