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Diaper Foam

The foam extracted from a nursing home patient's diapy wipey after being used for government experimentation aka PSYOP milking.

Edow Robert mentions this in Sahelanthropus Gobb annual bitey bite sleazefest in The Land Beyond Dreams by Stephen King.

Bill Murray: I smell diaper foam! Yuuuck!
David Cross: I was sticking my head in the toilet and singing Nicki Minaj songs, what was that?
Bill: I said I smell diaper foam, goddamnit!
David:Oopsy! Me diapey full daddy!!

by EdowRobertScissorsaDownSyndrom July 15, 2024

foam party

when you cum on her clit and she rubs it and it gets all foamy

i’m about to cum let’s make it a foam party

by nelly6969420haha May 20, 2023

Bone Foam

A frothy ejaculate of semen.

Hillary Duff was looking like a ten on that magazine cover, I just couldn't contain my bone foam any longer.

by Mohjave November 24, 2020

Creamola foam float

When she says she has a headache so you wait till she is asleep, have a wank over her tits and throw on a soluble asprin and watch it fizz in your jizz!

She said she wasn't feeling very well for any action so i gave her the creamola foam float!!

by curtainwip3r June 19, 2021

Spray foaming

Jerking off anywhere in your house, and the cumshot proceeds to hit the ceiling.

What are you up to honey.

Oh just sitting at home in the living room getting ready to do some spray foaming.

Oh honey I’m proud of you for finally doing some house work.

Yes. That’s what I’m doing. Making you proud.

by Richard Dangles August 2, 2020