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Dirt Skirt

A dirt skirt: Is a cute girl you meet while she is young but who grows up white trash. You know she will always be trash and your sad cuz you would totally want to have sex with her later on in life.

Sheila was cute from day one but she'll always be a dirt skirt.

She is a total dirk skirt but I would still bang her.

by -cM June 18, 2007

Dirt pouch

The female vaginal canal in itโ€™s deflated state

She spread her legs and I got a whiff of White Castle so there was no way I was going near that dirt pouch

by Mr.Potatodick April 23, 2020

Tip Dirt

when you get get human feces on your genitals performing a non sexual act.

Aww man, when i put down that paper seat at the public restroom, my crap got stuck to it and i got covered in tip dirt.

by moosekiller April 2, 2010

Dirt slut

Not to be confused with "dirty slut". This type of slut annihilates all hope for humanity.

Joe: "Bro, that slam was a fucking

dirt slut, she went ass-to-mouth.

Jack: "No, dude, I have an ex that snorted a line of cum off a table for some coke once".

by Beer for my horses August 20, 2013

dirt detective

Someone who gives you a juicy fruit but it's the last one in the pack.

"Hey, do you want a juicy fruit?"
"Yeah- wait, is that the last one in the pack? You're a dirt detective!"

by J. C. Dickleg May 18, 2019


another name for Nutmeg... get high by snorting it... see nutmeg

man my nose is filled with dirt.

by Kendirt August 30, 2003

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Dirt Monkey

Archaeologists who do large amounts of field work or do field work for other people's research. Mostly these are archaeologists who have yet to recieve their degrees or who don't have footing enough in the field to lead their own projects or obtain steady work.
They are so named for the dirty state in which they return at the end of the day.

This is in contrast to academic members of the field and is closely related to the term 'shovelbum' in that all shovelbums are dirt monkeys, but not all dirt monkeys are shovelbums. Dirt monkeys also include field school students, research assistants, and laborers. They are not a glamourous bunch who stand at odds with the archeostitute.

The field school students and the shovelbums got along well, dispite their differences. After all, they were all dirt monkeys.

by Kitastrophe85 May 5, 2009

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