In means I’m bored this may be mistaken as Inspired by it really just depends how you use it.
A short-term mostly used in Vietnam, meaning 'contact me' (as same as 'DM')
If you need something, ib me please.
Ib me for the prices.
Another word for "Cringe"
Person 1: "You see these people?"
Person 2: "Yeah, What about them?"
Person 1: "They're so IB"
Person 2: "Yeah I know right."
-How do you spell "International Bacaluraruetthjgjftdze"?
-I don't know, just write "IB".
The Ib (International Baccalaureate) Is a well-known prestigious institute, that encourages stress, procrastination and 0.5 hours of sleep maximum. The special creatures that dare start this program, rarely see sunlight and have harnessed special skills of Bs'ing their way through everything. The only time these creatures can be seen outside is when they are gathering data for their IA's. The students that once thought they were smart, or overworked from grade 6 all the way to grade 10 now regret everything they have ever said. This prestigious Course is highly acknowledged and the ones who do find a way to graduate after swimming through a mountain of IA's and a 4000-word essay for their EE, end up not much better off than any normal student. Except they now have anxiety and high levels of stress following them around 24/7.
These students can be recognised by the following things -
- Awful social skills
- Ability to write an essay within 20 minutes
- Writing reflections for every single action they may have done
- Counting the hours of a certain activity they have done.
Doctor - Tell me, why do you feel you are so stressed?
Patient - I am an IB student.
Doctor - Say no more. When is your EE due?
Patient - 3 weeks ago.
She/he/they studied all night because she/he/they is/are in the IB program.
International Baccalaureate or International Bullshit, which was probably introduced by a bunch of Swiss grandpas to make students' lives a fucking hell since 1968. You are required to sacrifice your hobbies, interests, social life, sleep, a daily dose of sunshine and life :3
Students are asked (no they are forced) to take 3 Standard Level Subjects and 3 Higher Level subjects, but some intellectual mfs take FUCKING 4 HIGHER LEVEL SUBJECTS to pass this diploma. There is a "philosophical" subject called the Theory of Knowledge (which is compulsory btw) where you either watch Ted Talks in class, dose off or question your existence. Trust me, I am still questioning my music album collection because of this subject.
Next is an Extended Essay which would earlier make you feel excited because you would get a chance to write something you like BUT later you would have realised that killing yourself would be better. It is 4000 words btw.
And my favorite portion, CAS aka how to socialise and make your life hell. You are also required to do a CAS project which your teacher would reject while buttering you up and imposing THEIR ideas on YOUR project (my teacher rejected my project).
In short, if you get a chance to do IB, DON'T DO IT!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
Doing IB made me question my academic strength and made me suicidal, to those who are either doing MYP or a different curriculum, RUN from The IB while you still can :D
Student 1: How's your girlfriend?
Student 2: She's great man, how's yours student 3?
Student 3: Girlfriend? I haven't talked to her in MONTHS! I DO IB!!!
Student 4: *I have 4 Higher Level subjects, and I also do the IB. Will I ever get into a relationship??"
A type of grindset which only applies to students of the IB, also known as the International Baccalaureate. Students experiencing the IB grindset neglect everything in their lives outside of the IB, like their social lives or sleep, and they do this in order to get good grades and get the IB Diploma.
I didn't sleep at all last night, because of that IB grindset. I don't need sleep, I need a 7.