Someone who likes Japanese things more than their equivalents, Just because they are Japanese.
This term originated from the meme depicting a picture of a random place, with the face next to it being unhappy, and the same place under it having the word Japan over it, with the face next to it being very happy.
Not to be place place Japan, but「我思う故に我あり」sounds way cooler than "I think therefore I am".
The sound of a Jamaican person saying lose ya panties
Hey there lady lose Japanese please
When you buy "black paint" from Japan when in reality it's just a bucket of soy sauce.
Dude 1: "Bro, your house smells weird."
Dude 2: "Yeah. I know."
Dude 1: "Don't tell me you got black paint from Japan!"
Dude 2: "At least you can dip sushi in it..."
A term used to define an incompetent organization thinking it can do better than its global counterpart, but fails to deliver at every level. Incompetent management looking to pass off their responsibility to people simply not working hard enough, utilize manipulation and bully technic to underpay their workers and degrade their value so they feel too pitiful and depressed to leave until they became one work the train track.
A: why is the train late today?
B: someone from PTS jumped today
A: damn. again?
B: well, it’s PTS Japan. They are shit.
Where two friends (preferably both the same gender) simultaneously drop atomic bombs in adjacent stalls
Yo, Kellen and I are Going Japan on the toilets in long wing.
Japan Raid squad AKA JRS for short is a raid squad on discord, youtube, and twitter who raids trolls, bad users and donald trump's fans
dude1:do you know JRS (Japan Raid Squad)?
dude2:no, what is it
dude1: Japan Raid Squad! they hate trump and trolls
dude2:ooo imma join em!
the best electric company ever
Mark III
Master System
Genesis 32X Neptune
Genesis Nomad
Mega Drive
Compact Disc
Dreamcast NA
Dreamcast JP
Dreamcast EU
Dreamcast Bounce NA
Dreamcast Bounce JP
Dreamcast Bounce EU
Dreamcast Katana Development Kitchen NA/JP/EU
This game is made by SEGA Electric of Japan and America.