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Prefers not to fuck raw, but will if condom isn’t available.

“Bro I heard the girl a few houses down takes it medium-rare.”

by Toasteytoes1998 May 25, 2023


In late capitalism, corporations and especially banks become increasingly greedy and mad. They can begin to slur their customers by calling them ‘a-rare-ass’. This indicates a political desire to engage in regressive policies that target the poorest and transfer their savings to the wealthiest, their own share holders.

My bank just emptied my account and stole my rent, on Christmas! When I asked them why, they shrugged and called me, ‘a-rare-ass’! Those bastards!

by Ryka- December 19, 2022

heckin rare

Heckin rare means something that is rare, and deserves recognition, thus a heck is given, Heckin Rare.

That sharkie boi swimsuit is heckin rare

by heckin rare May 19, 2018

A Rare Sunday

A rare Sunday is an extremely rare occasion when a crackening occurs on a Sunday. This occasion is so special that it happens pretty much every Sunday. Rare Sundays are certainly reserved only for the most special of occasions.

“Dawgs I might cracken today. It’s a rare Sunday.”
- a dawg pounder

KDP you cracken every Sunday!”
- anonymous alcoholic

walks up to the first tee box “dawgs I’m so hungover. I’ve already had 4 BL pounders though”

- anonymous golfer

by Pounderdome15 June 12, 2022