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Janie is nice, beautiful, smart, and all around is the most perfect girl you’ll ever meet. Even though she doesn’t believe she is all of that stuff she is and needs to realize it. Janie also too perfect for any guy to have her which makes it difficult for her to find the right guy and needs to find herself and get to know herself better before going after a guy. Another thing is when you look in Janie’s eyes it seems like nothing is going on in the world because she just has a look which amazes you because she is just sooooo pretty and kind. Also Janie is just an all around good person she has good morals and most people are negative to her which makes her life hard and that makes her friends mad to know that she is going through that. If you let Janie borrow your jacket she will give it back to smelling ten times better than when you have it to her. The person who made this right now is just speechless because she is just the most perfect girl ever and wish there was a word to express how much he cares for her but is just idk. Also Janie is just beautiful all the time and anyone or everyone is just happy to be around her. Janie is also really funny she will probably be the funniest girl you’ll ever meet. In the end Janie is the MOST PERFECT GIRL YOU WILL EVER MEET and you should never take her friendship for granted and you won’t because I’m sure I’m not the person not one but you will fall in love with her personality. Also Janie has a kid named poncho.

Guy1: Hey do you know Janie?

Guy2: Yeah she’s fucking PERFECT!

by Adrian15Wright May 11, 2018

438👍 30👎


In Hebrew: Gift from God. She is a very creative and expressive girl, and is also very nice and friendly. People are glad to have her as a friend.

I'm glad to have Janie as a friend.

by JB99917 May 24, 2015

208👍 21👎


Janie is a very trustworthy and loyal friend, a janie will always be there and have your back. She puts everyone before her.
A janie is perceived to be very innocent and sweet and is longed after by many guys. She loves sports just not playing them and would rather be with her friends than any other place

Janie is the best kind of friend

by Karina underwood March 11, 2017

77👍 12👎


A rad woman that conveniently lives far enough away from you, that it's just not the bee's knees. She's absolutely stunning, with a hint of awkward and shyness, just to add to the grand personality that she beholds. Someone that is nothing short of amazing.

Dude, I swear I saw a Janie earlier. That mythical creature of amazement is quite the sight these days.

by SwaggieBossMan July 15, 2012

200👍 37👎


A smart girl who has great, but sometimes annoying friends

Janie's friends teased her all day long.

by JB99917 April 2, 2015

43👍 11👎


Funny, silly, pretty, sexy girl. Always there to talk to about anything, and never mean to anyone. She also hates when people are too nosey and poke around in her phone. Loves to play sports, but hates when people just think of her as the girl that plays football... would really rather the world know of her as who she is; not what she does.

Today i spent the day with that amazing girl Janie, and had a ton of fun!

by DragonTamer2345 June 12, 2010

293👍 117👎


Janie is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Though sometimes she lacks self confidence, she always gets back on her feet. Janie is a great friend and can help in any situation. She loves spending time outdoors helping nature.

Janie, you are such a great person.

by Teenie the great December 11, 2019