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An atheist loser is what most atheists are. You only have to look at the first definition to see how insulting and bigoted atheists are. If you want to see more hate and intolerance displayed from them, simply look at the definition of God on this site where they insult not only Christians but everyone who follows a religion.

Contrary to the atheist loser's claims, not all Christians curse everyone to Hell and if they do curse the atheist loser to Hell, it's only when the atheist loser starts resorting to childish name-calling because they have had their atheism theory debunked (as usual).

The world is fucked with religion, it would be chaotic without religion. If you want to see a civilization without religion, look at the Nazis who would led by their atheist leader Hitler who persecuted people of many religions (Jews, Christians, Sikhs). You may also want to look at Stalin and the Atheist Soviet Union who killed thousands in the name of atheism.

Atheism hasn't a single inch of evidence to vouch for it. Logic agrees that creation had to come from something and even The Big Bang theory (proposed by a Catholic priest) agrees with creation and states that the universe hasn't always existed.

It's more logical to assume that God guided the creation of the universe (hence why we see so much order and design) than to believe that the universe came from nothing which somehow managed to "think" and guide everything to form stars and planets.

Another example of an atheist loser is someone who is so offended at the idea of being designed that they aggressively attack all religions and ideas of God because they are content with believing that they are random accidents brought about for no reason. In theory, atheist losers hate themselves which is why they like to assume that everything was an accident.

98% of all atheists are atheist losers. The other 2% are mature respectable people who understand that there are many religious people are just as equally as decent.

Atheist loser: You dumb ass Christian! You believe in a fairy tale! FUCK YOU! You're brain dead! Ha ha ha ha!

Muslim: Not everyone who believes in God is a Christian and no, we that worship God do not believe in fairy tales. It is more logical to assume that God created the universe than to assume that it came from nothing. Give me one example of where nothingness or where chaos produces anything that shows design and order.


Christian: Ummm, no you don't. Give one example of where science debunks God.


Muslim: Atheist loser.

by ddfgdffd November 18, 2013

24๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who believes that out of nothing, nothing created something, that something expanded and cooled to form the universe. Some very small things on one part of the universe came together by complete chance and those things just happened to evolve into larger lifeforms, succeeding in avoiding everything that could have wiped them out, and these larger life-forms happened to evolve into sentient beings with no outside help...right.............

Yes, i am an atheist. I believe that it was complete chance that formed the universe and all the life forms that currently inhabit it, no matter how unlikely that is, so I am curretly desperately searching for ways to prove that the universe is random, but not succeeding.

by madman_salvo March 13, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Liberal Atheist: One who lobbies for freedom FROM religion instead of freedom OF religion. Throws their legal weight around to erase gods and goddesses from all aspects of the lives of Homo Sapiens. If they had a deity it would be the flag. Is a real problem and is very closed-minded to look for any diety.

2. Conservative Atheist: A peaceful person that can't notice God, perhaps because they don't want to, or because they don't see the world that way. No more of a problem to society than a properly operating Pagan.

Atheist:How can you believe in God if you cannot touch him or see him?
Christian:How can you believe in radio waves? You can't touch or see them!
Pagan:Peace dudes, we need to be nice to the environment and get along. Thor told me the moon's gonna crescent on September 13.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter September 19, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A person who does not believe in a Creator, a god, or any ultimate being that is above the human race. An atheist usually has no problem with those who believe in a god, but those that do believe sometimes tend to surround themselves with others that share their beliefs because they are taught to in their religion.

2. Not the devil.
3. Does not believe in an afterlife, creator, god, and usually does believe in evolution.
4. The opposite of an idiot who believes in speaking in tongues, an omnipotent being, and that the world is 5,000 years old.
5. Usually will enjoy the movie "Religulous."
6. Bill Maher, Seth Mcfarlane, Brian Griffin, etc.
7. Some may be more open minded than people who were raised as very strict Christians.

Brian: "Oh, your barking up the wrong tree Meg. I'm an atheist."
Family: *Gasp*
Peter: "What's that?"
Brian: "Well, I don't believe in God."

by AnyWayTheWindBlows July 11, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Theist: Someone who knows god personally.

Atheist: Someone who can prove that god doesn't exist.

Agnostic: Someone who believes that god in unknown at this time.

"I thought I was an atheist but I'm really an agnostic"

by cloud195 May 18, 2013

10๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who has actually read the Bible without grossly distorting its meaning into some sort of modern work of humanism. When atheists say hell is bull and sin isn't real, they are actually being intolerant, according to pussy agnostics and moderate Christians, who don't believe anything in the bible ever happened, but somehow think god exists anyway.

Atheist: Religion controls your way of life. Prime example, many gay people suffer through years of self-hate because religion says they are sick and "unnatural."

Agnostic: You should really tolerate their belief. Not all Christians believe that, even though it is taught in their holy book.

Atheist: I do. That's why I'm not knocking on their doors right now or slashing their throats. I'm only writing a definition on UD because I'm bored and kind of a loser and it's 1:30 AM and college is cancelled due to snow.

by joseffritz January 17, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. People who believe that the universe and all life was created by an explosion that no one can explain.

2. People who claim that all life on Earth was created by tiny microorganisms and they somehow "evolved" into the complex structures that we are today.

3. People who can explain how, but not why.

4. People who most likely have never been to church and don't even know the teachings from the churches

Atheists: Did you know that we were all created by a big explosion that came from nowhere?

Religious person: So why did that happen?

Atheists: ....uhh, well.....

by XJ104 June 13, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž