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Trailer Amnesia

Right after the coming attractions but before the feature starts when you forget what movie you came to see.

Movie: (after 5 previews) And now your feature presentation..
Guy 1: Oh man, what are we seeing again?
Guy 2: You always get the worst trailer amnesia, you're the one that wanted to see Big Mama 3!

by jknapp44 March 24, 2011

perm trailer

When dudes run a train on a girl and all of them cum in her hair at the same time.

Yo dude you want to run a perm trailer on her.

by DixSlayer6969 January 27, 2017

Trailer Park

A group of housing trailers

Trenton Stone Lives in a trailer park.

by TrailerParkBoys March 15, 2021

Trailer Snatch

A broken down used up vagina. The owner of the vagina originates from the trailer park.

That Karen sure does have sex with a lot of guys in that little trailer. She probably has a trailer Snatch.

I bet if you stick a meth pipe in my vagina you could consider it a trailer snatch

by Buttmole asspickle September 3, 2020


Noun, Slang- A dark “Possibly” wet hole typically located on females of the Midwest North American region that is used for stuffing “Usually” JUNK into and having high or low hopes of having to haul said hole around until death do them part by thee semi driver. Semi being English for: Part hauler part holler.

Trailer: more commonly referred to as a mobile home or male of a genital length reaching seven or more inches. One who is a member of thee seven up club #7UP.

Sought by winners however, not usually low enough to budge to take a semi-trailer on a date because they’re foul by age Adult.

This is my Semi-Trailer I will use it to attract a male. However, I’ll probably never be seen in public with out a male therefore causing high possibilities of ending the nickname given. If I’ve referred to this as my semi-trailer my boyfriend definitely was not a winner. 317

by RightTriangle October 7, 2019

Trailer Hitch

The bulge that results when a man dressing in Drags tucks his package too far back and it pops out from behind whenever he bends over

"Yo, check out the Trailer Hitch on that Britany...homie could tow my snowmobile!"

by Uncle McFlirty October 29, 2023

Dive trailer

A low budget, broke down, scummy trailer right wing voter fraud conspiracy peddlers claim to live on their voter registration forms in order to commit voter fraud

Normal person 1: I heard Mark Meadows put a dive trailer address on his voter registration so he could vote in North Carolina.

Normal person 2: If it turns out to be true, he should have to live there.

Normal person 1: Right? Maybe he hopes to get a pardon…

by The Original Tankboy March 8, 2022