the next crack cocaine for our youth
crack cocaine compared to fortnite, fortnite has the bigger addiction rate
A 3rd person battle-royal style game that people hate just because other people hate it
Person 1: "Omg fortnite so trash lollololol
Person 2: "Shut up no one asked"
Wretched fortnote has taken over my siblings. screw EPIC GAMES I hate you. Thanks aot for that lose girlfreinds aaaaarrrrgggghhh
Fortnite has ruined my life thanks alot
The most cancerous fucking game ever, you will expect 3 year olds to play this shitty game
Timmy: Oh I play fortnite!
Me: Fuck off you baby pissbag full of shit
A fairly over-hated game that people used to enjoy but then because popular people on YouTube played minecraft it began to get hate in the form of Minecraft good fortnite bad
Guy 1: Hey wanna play fortnite?
Guy 2: sure what time?
Obnoxious kid: FoRtNiTe BaD mInEcRaFt GoOd
A game that used to be popular now it’s just a load of heaping shit got boring after chapter 1 blah blah blah basically it is now dead like every other shoot em up game known to man
Kid 1: hey you still play fortnite
Kid 2: what’s fortnite?