1. A guy who post in the forums who post meaningless stuff, which is already been posted numerous of times.
2. A guy who floods the message board just to get post count.
Nob: Help me, I have problems with my game!\
Jed: What is your problem?
Nob: My game keeps crashing.
Jed: Reinstall your game or delete some mods. But highly recommend reinstalling your game.
Nob: Okay.
Ken: Reinstall your game.
Jed: Ken is post whoring
Nob: Ken, don't be a post whoring guy.
Ken Joins the forums and introduced himself.
Ken has 5 posts.
Ken has 20 posts.
Ken has 69 posts.
Ken has 420 posts.
Ken has 1337 posts.
Ken got banned from the board!
a state of sadness/mental unstability after watching an episode of one chicago
”why are you so sad”
-”Leslie shay just died last night, post one chicago depression”
A meme making fun of someone using a meme that has recently died.
This is a post-mortem meme: When you were almost late for school, tired and really annoyed and then the sped kid starts singing one two buckle my shoe:
The days following Christmas when the excitement of new presents has worn off and it's time to return to work.
Manager/boss: "Why so glum today?"
Employee: "I'm suffering from PYS"
Manager/boss: "What?"
Employee: "Post Yuletide Syndrome"
When a fellow named Jimmy wants to fake several instances of prom with females.
Did you hear they canceled prom this year?
Who cares, I was jimmy posting.
Hey Jimmy, are you free for prom pics tomorrow?
Hell yeah bro, I'm always free for jimmy posting!
When a fellow named Jimmy fakes several instances of prom with false female dates.
Did you hear prom was canceled this year?
Who cares, I was jimmy posting.
Hey Jimmy, you free for pics tomorrow?
Hell yeah bro, you know I'm always up for jimmy posting.
When you've been up all day and night taking care of patients and your taint stanks.
Bri: Yo man, what the fuck's that smell?!
Me: Sorry, bruh. I've been up all night taking care of patients. Got some mad post-call perineum (PCP).