A conquererwannabeaboo
PERSON 1: Oh there’s Adam, he thinks he can conquer the world.
PERSON 2: No he’s just a conquererwannabeaboo
Adam reminds me of a move star. He looks amazing no matter what. Ppl love talking to him because he's cool. He has a great need for sugar and activity. He loves watching the boob tube, pee and pooping but nothing grose. If you get a chance with Adam your his lucky star. He will love you forever, respect you as a woman and do anything for you, if he wants to take the chance with you. He protects and cares is kind and very intellegent and has a can do attitude. Don't underestimate Adam, he will show you up. He is a certain way but won't admit he has an explanation for everything including you. He plays his cards close even tho he doesn't play cards.
Adam doesn't like apples
Girl. Where did Adam go
Boy. Why do you want to know
Gayest man alive, really loves riding men. Did you know he really like’s men. Adam is the probably the most gayest person alive as he wants 10 men inside of him at all time.
Oh no, I began to do an Adam with all of you right now!!
The ultimate sex guru who also gives life advice
Also has the best 9/11 humour
Biggest political mf
Has big dick energy
So sarcastic, he’ll make Stewie Griffin eat his heart out
He makes everyone gay for him
Me: do itttt
Adam: what
Me: yk…
An Adam is a person, who does not get people does not like him. He keeps showing up to parties, even though people does not invite him. He keeps touching girls even though they have asked him to stop.
Girl, he is such a red flag, what an Adam